Modern music and the hippie community

Discussion in 'Musicians' started by Devin the neo-hippie, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Devin the neo-hippie

    Devin the neo-hippie Members

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    so what is your favourite post-Woodstock act or singer? This ranges from 1970 to the present day
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I feel like we're really far removed from the hippy culture, and ultimately that the music you hear today doesn't lend itself to psychedelia.
    Mysteron likes this.
  3. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Post 1970?
    New acts after 1970?
    Not that many...let's see Boston, Traveling Wilburys, Buchman Turner Overdrive, The Edger Winter Group, Marshall Tucker, Robin Trowler Band, Ry Cooder...must be some more.....
    Cello Song and Kirstie like this.
  4. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    I'm 25 and have always disliked most modern music they play on radio stations for people my age range. When I was a kid/teen my dad used to play this tune a lot (I love this) on his stereo and in his car, among other songs;
    Driftrue and MeAgain like this.
  5. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You know Randy Bachman was in the Guess Who until 1971 when he reformed the band along with his brothers Tim, and Robbie to form BTO.

    Here's a couple of their lesser known songs...but really good.

    Kirstie likes this.
  6. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    Sounds a bit boring, lol.
    I prefer some songs from bands like ACDC, Bon Jovi, Beachboys (cheesy!), Rainbow (since you've been gone), and to a lesser extent Van Halen, Joan Jett, Def Leppard, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Dire Straits, Kiss, Queen.
    Actually, there's loads of songs out there from all genres that I like... just not so much modern tunes. My dad was a proper rock legend fanatic. If only he could turn on a computer to be able to join a forum, these days he just enjoys sitting out in the garden listening to the birds twerping in the forest in his retirement.
  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    The Beach Boys were not cheesy. Brian Wilson was a songwriting genius who wrote arguably the best pop song of all time with "God Only Knows."

    And to address the thread as a whole, other than the Beach Boys, virtually everything I listen to is post 1970. But my formative teen years were in the 90s, so that makes sense. I listen to a lot of punk, post punk, pop punk, lots of riot grrrl, 90s hip hop, garage rock, alternative, stuff like that. Basically, stuff that wasn't even around in 1970.
    soulpoker and Driftrue like this.
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Dire Straits.. 1977..
  9. Probably Nirvana.
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The Beatles considered Brian Wilson to be one of the greatest musicians ever. They were in competition to create the best album, except Brian was writing on his own and the Beatles had John, Paul, and George writing songs.

    The Beach Boys Pet Sounds inspired Sargent Pepper

    soulpoker and Noserider like this.
  11. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The only ones from your group that I like are the beach Boys and Credence....but I'm old.
  12. Devin the neo-hippie

    Devin the neo-hippie Members

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    I like Avril Lavigne, Bon Jovie, Aerosmith, some Phil Collins, disco, 3oh!3, and the Go Gos.
    Born. 1992
  13. Talisman is a good song too
  14. but I'd disagree if you were to suggest that psychedelia is an inherent symptom of hippy culture. hippy culture seems like a vehicle for what was already conceived.

    for post-1970 psychedelia
    I go for the butthole surfers
    or the meat puppets
    even Earth

    angels of darkness, demons of light
    is very psykhedelos
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2019
  15. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Yes exactly.
    Glad it had already been said.
    Noserider likes this.
  16. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I think that there is a movement, and that it has lost momentum. At some point the management stepped in and made some executive decisions - we will sell more records if x, y, & z - and when that happened some of the bands tried to listen to their management. Now today, some of the management has either allowed some of the talent to engage in their creative process more, or have directed something in a creative direction for their relative clients.

    I think ultimately though, the whole movement toward something that supported psychedelia has gone by the wayside.
  17. sure it has gone wayside
    like a bottle by the waters edge
    but the Ideas that the movement made manifest are very much alive
    I'll even venture to suppose that they were alive & well before the hippy movement
    that the movement was just another cultural vehicle for the same seed that gave life to the beats or the saints or Johnny Apple seed
    it is the turtle with the head of wild oats clamped in its shell
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2019
    soulcompromise likes this.
  18. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Phish if I had to pick one. I have some trinkets from them in my office and it's one of the only things my coworkers know about me I guess. I am obsessed and my boss will ask whenever I ask for a day off if it's for a Phish show.
  19. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Rave and Trance do to some extent.

    There are also some modern Psychedelic bands as well .

    Hawkwind have long been associated as the grandfathers of Trance music. So in my mind there is some connection albeit a loose one .

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