Mj And Anxiety

Discussion in 'Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Freelee_Me, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Freelee_Me

    Freelee_Me Members

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    I have suffered with sever anxiety ALL my life. When I got into my 30's it became unbearable. Heart palpitations increased blood pressure shortness of breath racing thoughts and finally vomiting. I would get so worked up for no real reason I would just vomit for relief of the pressure in my chest. Now I have been using MJ for some time usually in the morning and at night. The results are astounding! I can feel my body relaxes so deeply and my breathing is very controlled. I am able to slow down my thoughts and process things one at a time. The vomiting has completed stopped and I'm able to rest at night. I have been medicated all my life for this condition xanax for 12 years buspar for a while and then taking ativan as well. I can say without a doubt that MJ helps in a way pills can not. I have no unwanted side effects with MJ and it doesn't take weeks to get into your system to work. Anyone use MJ for anxiety? How does it work for you?
    scratcho likes this.
  2. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Doesn't quite work for me. It actually has a tendency to increase my anxiety for some reason. That effect is less common while I'm in the company of good friends. I guess the fact that someone else is there distracting me from the anxiety and fear I feel inside helps to relieve it somehow? It's usually a ~65/35 chance that it would cause my anxiety to rise up. It also seems to effect socialization.

    I'm unable to take xanax as well lol. Though it was QUITE some time ago that I tried that. For all I know, it could have been too strong of a dose or even expired. It gave sort of a feeling of motion sickness? Like my vision had to catch up to itself, if that makes any sense. I remember looking to the left as I was doing the dishes at my parent's house as my dad walked through the door and my body's movement (the rotation of my head as I looked) was faster than my eyesight? Like it had to catch up. Then I got a really bad migrane and had to lie down.

    Side effects man.

    ...what were we talking about? :D
  3. Freelee_Me

    Freelee_Me Members

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    I totally understand. I hear so often that MJ makes people paranoid and have anxiety. I must be a unicorn where this is concerned lol. I just know it works for me and in the best way. I thank god everyday that regardless of what it is legal or not it works for me and it's not another damn pill. Lol
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    It doesn't really decrease my anxiety immediately after smoking - if I'm feeling really anxious it usually makes it worse. However, I haven't been smoking the last few weeks and I can really tell how much it decreases it overall from regular use. I am really tightly wound and high strung if I don't smoke on a somewhat regular basis. It is a part of my personality I always forget about until I go a couple of weeks without smoking.
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    indica =melts into couch
    sativa= couch chasing you around the block
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I need some of that....
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I cant do the sativa, it seriously agitates my MS. Hybrids are ok, depends on a few things..
    mysticblu21 and Pete's Draggin' like this.
  8. jfast94

    jfast94 Members

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    It depends on my mood at the time. If i'm amped up, then herb exacerbates that. Maybe it is becausei go for the sativa over indica. But I just don't have the luxury of couch lock every time I smoke.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  9. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I don't have my card yet but kush pots relax me and don't make me dizzy I feel mellow I take valuim for my dizziness and virtigo cause when I get dizzy I go into panic mode its god awful some really strong pots can make me panicked but the mellow kush pots work great i am looking inot getting my card my brother in law has his card and sells its so cool he can grow a pot just for anxiety and if I can get my card he would take me on a patient. I take allot of meds my mom and sister think I should stop all my meds and go with the card I'm kind of scared been on them for years I take Zyprexa it helps with my nightmares and when I don't take it I get very manic non stop chatting up during the night throwing shit out opening draws I don't know if pot helps with panic behavior? its this med I have gained so much weight it sucks
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  10. Rivehn

    Rivehn Member

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    My anxiety came last year randomly. It's helped so much.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  11. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    My anxiety was like a roller coaster. It makes me "cringe" to even think about what life was like when it was at its worst. I was angry all the time because I couldn't get my head around a few simple factors in my life. But that's really beside the point. I came to terms with my anxiety by making some life decisions. Years later I treat what I would say is probably mild work related stress (rather than anxiety) with medical marijuana. I use only edibles. Not smoking anything! But anyway it does help me feel like I'm being true to myself and it's relieving to be sort of unfocused. At the end of every day with few exceptions I will typically ingest 25mg of THC! It's not for everyone, but it is certainly for me.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  12. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    Indica for anxiety- hell yeah.

    Watching cartoons with the grandkids makes me laugh as much as they do. lol
    mysticblu21 and Mobius_Stripped like this.
  13. Mobius_Stripped

    Mobius_Stripped Members

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    My anxiety comes with extreme nausea, which causes more anxiety. It's led to malnourishment, dehydration, and several trips to the hospital. Marijuana helps with both the anxiety and the nausea. It calm my nerves, and gives me an appetite. The several prescription drugs I've tried for these issues have either not worked, or made it worse, so I am very grateful that it is medically legal where I live.

    And because I'm a big (41 year old) kid, I laugh even harder at the cartoons.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  14. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    Good to hear others have had the same experience as I've had. I've been "spooked" for years, I remember as a kid twelve years old smoking weed, and I've been burning it since, because of the escape from the fears. Sativa does well for me during the day when I need to get stuff done, indiga's good for sittin' on the couch at the end of the day, but I'm partial to the hybrids.
    mysticblu21 and Mobius_Stripped like this.
  15. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    Mine has gotten worse over the years. I started smoking again last year after a 15 year absence of smoking. It helps calm it down a lot. I also have depression and it helps with it also.
    Nadia Ramsey likes this.
  16. Gr8tefullydead

    Gr8tefullydead Members

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    I gotta use it during the day but to much gets my anxiety going. Now to much India is nice.

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