You know what really gets on my nerves? When people argue over minutiae. Petty arguments. I also don't like when people preach peace and tranquility but then argue over minutiae or point out your mistakes and over criticize others. Lay off! Why do people feel the need to do this? Is it just being neurotic? I've noticed some stoners are like this, and pot usually never had this effect on me.
You know what gets on my nerves? People who constantly post pictures of their fuckin ugly kids on facebook. I didn't want to see a picture of their unfortunate looking child yesterday or the day before. What the fuck makes you think I want to see another picture of that mess of a face today. Is this off topic? Sorry.
What we experience is our own nervous systems response to stimulus. Your degree of comfort is related to your degree of understanding. Anxiety is caused by the misapprehension of what is so. That is we tell ourselves things that are not true and we are disturbed by our own verdicts.
Lol its ok. It made me laugh too. Its funny because the kid is usually doing the same thing in every picture! Like…. ok ?? this again. People do that with their pets too. I'll add another thing that annoys me. The fact that so many people can't handle anger and violence. Im a human, this is natural. Not saying I'm a homicidal freak or anything but sometimes I get so mad I want to scream. People who try to repress this part of humanity really piss me off!!! RAWR
mi·nu·ti·ae məˈn(y)o͞oSHēˌē,-SHēˌī/Submit noun plural noun: minutia 1. the small, precise, or trivial details of something. "min-oosh-uh" honestly I feel it causes more stress than anything to painstakingly dissect every little tiny thing. It makes my blood pressure go up. One reason I have such a successful relationship with my fiancé is neither of us are like this. We can both let stupid shit go without arguing things to death. Of course there are exceptions where one of us have pushed a conversation farther than the other would have liked. In those cases we had genuine concern and heartache over said issues. So I'm compassionate and patient with him, and he is with me as well. But I highly doubt that some people experience true heartache over every little issue. And if they do, theres probably something clinically abnormal with them.
Still totally off topic but OH MY GOD. PEOPLE AND THEIR GOD DAMN CATS!!!! WHAT IS IT WITH CATS???? I swear to god!!!!!! I don't do that shit with my dog. Why do we need to see 100 pictures of your stupid cat sleeping every damn day!!! I'm sure this say something about that anger thing you were talking about.
LOL!! I'm so guilty of this! But at least I keep them on my phone! The only one I ever posted was of my cat when she covered her eyes with both paws because lets be honest - thats freakin cute! Sometimes I'll look through my phone and be like "wtf they all look the same, what was I thinking?" I do tell my fiancé to look at the cat a lot though. He either really loves cats or humors me which is great either way lol. Ya I don't have a problem with expressing anger. I think more people should let out a few good shouts and get it out of their system. Its cathartic! LET IT OUT!
Yeah my parents are like that. They'd have gigantic arguments over... just rubbish. And I'd think "haven't you got anything better to do.." I had a "friend" ( I use the term very loosely) who'd argue over everything, a real huge tantrum. Eventually his whole circle more or less, just said "enough is enough" and stopped bothering with him (for various reasons).
My husband will text me from the other room to come look at the dog if he's doing something cute and doesn't want to disturb him by yelling for me. We don't post pictures all over fb though.
I've noticed that some tweakers can argue about basically nothing for hours. After the first little bit of arguing they forget what the arguments about...only that they have to dispute whatever the other person says whatever it may be its wrong.
I have a friend like that--she's been told she'd argue with a stump. By me. WHATEVER someone says--"Oh I don't know about that, because I----------and off she goes.
I would think this come down to perception of statements or views. Usually if one person is bothered enough to continue they feel rather justified doing so. You can not be engaged if you do not engage in the first place.