What are your thoughts about minors getting the death penalty? (sorry passage below talks about the movie so yeah, only read it if ya want ) I was watching this movie this weekend called, Too Young to Die, and it was about this young girl 15 getting the death penatly for murder. It talked about how her mom basically threw her away, he stepdad rapped her..And then she married at 14 to an 18 year old, he abandoned her. And she had no place to go, no money. So, she met this guy at this bowling alley where she was looking for a job. Well, he took her to this strip club to work, and drugged her up so she would. And so she did that, and lived with this guy who would beat her and do other things. Well, her life was shitty, and then there was this army guy at the strip club who didnt think it was right for her to be there. So, he took her to his house where he is divorced and has two kids. At first he was helping her, then he started to sleep with this 14 year old. And that crazy guy who had her stripping found out and called the police on him. So, he had to have her leave. So, having no place to go she went back to that bad guy. Whom fed her heroin and other drugs one night and went and kidnapped this guy and this chick he was seeing and the young girl killed him without realizing it. So, she got caught and was in for murder and had a trial and was found guilty and sentenced her to death. At the end of the movie it talked about how many minors are on death row. And I was just curious what people's thoughts are about minors like as young as 14 being on death row..
The death penalty is wrong no matter how old you are. Prison is far, far worse and if they want to die they can do it themself. And that movie sounds seriously fucked up. Is it any good?
Yes, she was walking to the gas chamber.. and then it said how many minors there are on death row and other statistics and such..
That sounds so sad... I am very against the death penalty, in all cases... even the Scott Peterson case. But minors... well that's just super sad...
Yup, totally against the death penalty as well. Did you even know that in the US it's more expensive to give someone the deathpenalty than it is to give them life without parole? And don't give me that 'when you have a loved one killed you think differently' crap, because there is an organisation in the US of 'parents of murdered children AGAINST the deathpenatly'.. how is that for spreading love and forgiveness eh?
Well I dont think the girl in the movie should have been sentenced to die. She was really drugged up really bad and she didnt realize what she was doing at all. The older guy whom fed her the drugs and put the knife in her hand should be held more responsible. Of course she should be punished for what she had done, but the death penalty for that, no way. Other people do more way worse things and dont even get life.
Let's not forget that just about everyone who supports the death penalty are Christian wackjobs, yet the bible preaches forgiveness....
people who make generalisations are always wrong, just like 17,89 % of all statistics are false. Teehee
I'm against the death penalty....its odd when it is and isn't applied, seems kind of random. That doesn't even sound like a death penalty case.
He cheated on his wife and *may* have killed her and her unborn baby and dumped her in San Francisco Bay. I do believe he's guilty, but I don't think he should've gotten the death penalty because there was never 100% proof that he did so..
I'm totally against the death penalty, and applying it to minors is stupid. The whole system doesn't make any sense...and there's way too much room for error. But still, even when they know for sure that the person is guilty, it's still wrong for them to give the death penalty. "We are against killing and will show that by killing this person" yes yes very logical. But ya Shroom back to your question... I agree she should be punished, but not given the death penalty. It's not like there weren't mitigating circumstances...
my thoughts on death penalty are mehhhh, I always think it would be better to make them rot in a cell though cause ending there life just seems to easy.. Would be better to make them sit in a cell the rest of their lives..
The death penalty is just so hypocritcal. And it's not like killing the person will bring the victim back.
People guilty of war crimes.... examples would be GWB, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Blair, Sharon, Ashcroft, etc etc etc... The Nurembourg Trials executed this perfectly.
i dont know, they always seem to make such interesting movies, im for the death penalty as long as the movies keep rolling