Minnesota weed...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Price Watch' started by Ogweezy, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. Ogweezy

    Ogweezy Member

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    What are the best types of weed strains can I get here...cuz it seems like I be smoking the same shit everyday....
  2. DeliPro

    DeliPro Member

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    I've found a lot of northern lights around here which is pretty good weed, try looking around for different dealers.
  3. Shaun_c01

    Shaun_c01 Member

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    couldn't tell ya man, as i'm still looking for a dealer myself
  4. Skratch

    Skratch Member

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    idk when I was up there all I could find was some overpriced pretty decent shwag
    but in all honesty I didnt look very hard
    there HAS GOT to be some bomb stuff up there somewhere tho
    happy hunting
  5. SmokenGuitar

    SmokenGuitar Member

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    I lived in MN before going south and when I come back to see my friends I always have an Ounce of Kind bud waiting for me up there .

    Blueberry is pretty common and is a good strong smoke up there
    Schwag is common but it is expensive for schwag ( compared to the 50 bucks and Ounce I now pay )

    Sour diesal is available but not common
    Lemon diesal is available but rare
    Northern Lights is common and is an ok kind bud smoke
    Green Crack is around but very rare .

    Hash is very common but it is new school hash , which means that it is being produced by local growers and is not the sticky afghani style

    BC bud as it is called is coming in from canada is vast quantities . It is now coming into the harvest season and the BC bud will be strong and moist at this time of the year . BC bud is the common type of of Kind bud to be found around .

    IF you cant find buds in Minnesota a state that is very open and has literally millions of cannabis smokers then you are not even going outside and talking and meeting people . I could tell you the exact places to go or what to do , but I am not going to tell some potential cop where the hotspots are .

    The best buds you are going to find are the BC buds coming in from the northern border . I am not saying that they are the best of all buds , I am simply saying that you can find them much more easily than the other types because they are soo common up there

    Expect to pay 100-110 bucks a quarter for BC .
    40-50 bucks for Mexi buds , 175 an ounce for Mexi and 380-400 bucks and ounce for Kind buds

    Opium is available but is rare . It can be found if you know where to go and know the right people

    Crack is everywhere . Very common
    Heroin can be found if you know the right person
    XTC is common but it is spendy

    Meth is unfortunately very common as well

    A hard reddish crystaline , pine tasting drug is also available , I am unsure what it really is but it will give you a strong , long lasting buzz .

    Drugs are common in minnesota , the problem for the user is the fact that they are soo damn expensive in comparison to other border areas
  6. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    40-50 for mexi???? are you kiddin me... maybe 40-50 for beasters.. but not mexi... nothing higher than 25 for mexi.. Sour Desiel.. Orange Kush.. Blueberry.. NL... Skunk.. Blue Diamond... White Widow.. Train Wreck.. are common heads found in Minnesota.. heads run about $60 an 1/8th.. normal for all the bordering states... there are a few nice homegrown rare headies.. a few organic grown... i have gotten my hands on at times.. a few of my guys have some great connects.... but in Minnesota ya sorta need to know people to get great weed.. or goto some live shows/festivals... its usually in abundance there... if ya don't know people usually all you're gonna find is beasters and schwa... but that goes for just about anywhere... minnesota or not
  7. Shaun_c01

    Shaun_c01 Member

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    For the same reason you won't tell is the same reason I won't go up and ask just anyone off the street. Stop talking like it's so easy that anyone can find it as it's not true. I get a little tired of this. Not everyone knows the hang outs or has the courage to ask joe schmoe on the street. I grew up with a family of smokers so I never had to find it on my own which is my downfall as I don't know where to look. I will eventually try going to the hideout and asking there, but even that is way out of character for me.

    Sorry if this sounds like I'm being an ass, I'm really not trying to be, but I am getting tired of everyone making it sound so easy when it's not. If it was so easy why is it i'm not the only one in MN that can't find a connection. Again sorry if I seem like an ass it might be i'm just depressed and frustrated cuz of my current situation and i'm not thinking clearly.
  8. killswitchjd

    killswitchjd Senior Member

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    hideaway... not hideout
  9. Shaun_c01

    Shaun_c01 Member

    Likes Received:
    thanks for the correction kill.
  10. mistermustard

    mistermustard Visitor

    I just registered and I'm not sure why it won't let me PM people,
    but Minnesota people, we should get together, PM me.
  11. DeliPro

    DeliPro Member

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    I just picked up an ounce of some BC bud for 250.
  12. CAM07

    CAM07 Member

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    ^ i tried to PM you, but it wouldnt let me (just regeristered too), but hey ive been living in minnesota for a while now, and the one strain i NEED to find is blueberry...everyone on here keeps saying its all over, but i can't find it
  13. GreenPeace13

    GreenPeace13 Member

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    Hey just saying if any of you guys would want to meet up and smoke a bowl
    that would be wonderful Im looking for some new smoking buddies
    So PM me
  14. mistermustard

    mistermustard Visitor

    quitarman- Where are you at up north? Are the mids beasters or do they have seeds? I've actually seen beasters cheaper up north because they come through the border or from the reservations. Regardless, less than 100$ is a good price.

    Blueberrys are in Minneapolis. Right now, Blueberrys skunks (or sativas) are around and very tasty.

    Also there is now a huge abundance of snowcaps, chem strains, and the suburb homegrowns that I've seen sold as Mendo magic or magic man or anything else. Also there are some local cherry bomb, bubblejack, and pot of gold going around. And the outdoor calis from last season are still getting here somehow. These smoke and taste better than the indoors and are cheaper and, as far as I know, are not in the smuggling ring so don't put money into the criminal organizations or the warehouse/fertlizer operations. Let's work together to rid 60$ as the standard price!
  15. bidsec

    bidsec Member

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    Yeah, I have to agree. I'm having a hard time finding a contact for bud around here.
  16. Earthbound_Child

    Earthbound_Child Member

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    I go to school at the "U" in Minneapolis and have a few contacts but none of them ever seem to know what they're selling (probably a college thing). I did have some good bud for most of December, but since the new semester started it seems like the $60-1/8 stuff I've been getting isn't that good. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to find any of the strands mistermustard mentioned... especially blueberry or BC.
  17. CAM07

    CAM07 Member

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    ^this is some crazy shit, you sound identical to this friend i got in the cities that goes to the U, he's trying to look for blueberry for me, but he is having the same problem...none of his connects seem to know where its at, blueberry is the one strain i NEED to try
  18. killswitchjd

    killswitchjd Senior Member

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    strains arent magically available. If you can find danks at all be happy. Most names im MN that ive seen are made up. If they do make a name up its just to highlight the best quality of the danks, but usually dont seem like the strain. And as for $60 to 50, good luck. Its not going to change, times are tough nowadays. Thats the general price and it will be until ounces of dank (not beasters or anything like that) are $250 instead of crazy prices like they are
  19. killswitchjd

    killswitchjd Senior Member

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    this basically means regs
  20. Earthbound_Child

    Earthbound_Child Member

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    I did have a strain called White Elephant not too long ago though. There is mention of the strain online so I assume it was legit... either way it was some crazy nice bud!

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