The way mind processes data reflects in its offspring, the computer. However, the coordination capabilities of latter improve continuously, whereas mind seems to have problems handling the increase of external & internal, objective & subjective data. More often than not, this is blamed on its hardware, i.e. the physiological aspects, yet rarely on the programs that coordinate the data, despite that many of them are obviously outdated, inefficient, hijacked by emotions and/or malwares which question the capabilities and sometimes even deny the functions of mind, thus impeding the possibility to repair & update its software. But to alter something requires knowledge and understanding of its structures and dynamics – in this case of the mind. Lamentably, the mind of Sapiens knows more about molecules and galaxies than about itself. Not because Self-knowledge is an impossible task – after all everyone spends a lifetime with/in his/her mind – but because of millennia of systematic self-denial and subjection to external, superior, eternal etc powers called god, fate and whatever else seems suitable to cover up a lack of Self-responsibility. Admittedly, Self-response-ability can be a pain in the butt – yet it can also be a blessing, as it may entail the realisation that all (external/internal/subjective/objective) phenomenon are interrelated - and coordinated by/in the mind.
Humans develop through socialization and assimilation. Both of these processes place parameters on the ability for a person to function within a society. Society offers making a living, religion and entertainment in favor of in depth mental discovery. This is just a response to some of the notions in your op, I think it is an oversimplification... The more complex issue is there is not a strong consensus as to what mind actually is. For computers it's basis is in the physical components, where the chips can be fabricated in such a way to increase processing power or multiple chips linked to work in concert, there are at least two notable views of mind today in physicalism and dualism but each present different obstacles in fully understanding it. In the former, there is the obstacle of understanding how mind emerges from the processes within the brain, the latter there is the obstacle of understanding how the immaterial world interacts with the material world.
different people have different ways to think about what is not known. different is not a bad thing. my way only has a name that i give to it. other people, not all, but some, seem to think that if the way they think about it, doesn't have a name that was given to it, by someone else, that this is somehow less. let me put it this way, different people use the same name to mean different things. these limited sets of names. but you've got to understand, the universe we live in, doesn't stop anyone from saying or thinking different things in different ways. there is only one wrong way, and that one wrong way is to say that every other way is wrong unless its yours. i have an ego too, and sometimes that sounds like what i'm saying, but that's not what i'm trying to say. there are also, some things, many things, that only work the way they do, whatever we try to tell each other, and there are some things that remain unknown whatever we try to tell each other. so there is the universe that always works its own way, and then we each have our own eyes, that work all of our different ways. these are two things, that aren't more or less, that don't diminish each other, they both just are. every belief was started by people who knew this. then every belief comes to have people who call themselves followers of it, who twist their words, to hide what is not nice to each other behind doing so. i have to remind myself sometimes also. a lot of times really. that these are two different things. there is nothing to stop there from being things beyond ourselves. but that does not have to be where this comes from. these are the same different things, whatever is beyond them or not.