Milo has lost his position at Brietbart. He has been in the news a lot lately and provoked controversy
Looks like his 15 minutes is about up. Milo is a professional troll and I'm amazed that anyone even takes him seriously. Given his schtick I'm trying to figure out which side he's trolling with the over the top borderline drag queen gay persona combined with the outrageously over the top ultra conservative viewpoints and a delivery that is specifically designed to piss people off. Generally he is the type of gay guy most of my gay friends would call a faggot and would be embarrassed by even if he didn't do the conservative thing as he plays up all of the negative stereotypes. He generally reminds me of one of those over the top gay pop culture bloggers (See the "Leave Brittney alone!" guy) with a political bent. He really doesn't deserve all of the attention that he is getting. C/S, Rev J
He resigned from Breitbart. And it's quite a double standard how a rape victim like Milo, who copes with his trauma by taking it in stride and making provocative and offensive jokes about it can have his book deal shut down and take a devastating blow to his career. Meanwhile Lena Dunham can openly admit to molesting her child sister in her book, and Barack Obama lets his children intern for her, and she's still considered a feminist icon with an intact career. The truth is, I heard Milo say these things on the Drunken Peasants podcast almost a whole year ago. They had this information on him. They just waited to release it just before his book's release date just to sabotage him. If Bill Maher can advocate woman-on-boy molestation, then Milo should be able to recover from this character smear in due time.
The thing is irregardless of his history that he is a professional troll and should realize that eventually that will bite him on the ass. I did a little YouTube research on this subject and this popped up at the top of the list: If you click on share and go to the original video post you will see it dated April 6, 2016. And here is an article about how it came to the surface: Like I said before he says this shit to get a reaction. When the reaction is a bit more harsh then what he wants or he looks like more of an asshole than he intended he cries like a little bitch. My heart doesn't bleed for him, C/S, Rev J
I'm just wondering why he can't release his book? If the publisher doesn't want to for certain commercial reasons: perfectly fine I would think (that's the publishing business right?). Find another publisher.
Exposure isn't his fiend, He strikes me as a political Tiny Tim who is a novelty and has gained a following among the sexually insecure young white male gamer community because he stands up to women. But his views are shallow and incoherent. When Bill Maher had him on with a panel of normal people recently, he seemed lame and boring. I think he's a fad, and the pedophile stuff won't help him. His fan club among Generation Y-ers has the attention span of a flea, and his "Daddy" Donald and Steve will throw him under the bus without batting an eye when he's no longer useful to them, which seems to be becoming the case.The coal miners and factory workers who were Trump's real base would make short work of him.
I agree. When you realize that most of his money comes from the far right who already equate homosexuality with pedophilia he isn't doing himself any favors. The thing is I hate to make generalizations but the gay community seems to be full of Milos. Not so much from the political stance but the over the top quasi effeminate adopting the most negative, catty aspects of women. Granted from talking to my gay friends those types don't get laid very often as the saying I've heard is, "If I wanted that I'd just date women." Although I think that he did have about the easiest job on the planet toward the end. Book a speaking engagement, it gets cancelled do to protests, he collects the cancellation fee and is off on his merry way. C/S, Rev J
Why sling gratuitous insults to Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones ? You are a poor representative of free speech if you use your platform to body shame people. I mean, Id like to say what happened to Milo in Berkley California was terrible, but this guy does not deserve support. He is undermining free speech with his trash talk.
He will find another publisher. From what I last remember hearing he was going to add a new revision due to the recent events that took place.
In a world full of opinions, Miko's opinions matter so much to me. His opinions are above all others.
Poor Milo has the problem that most of his following can't read, and the rest have the attention spans of dayflies. They're pushing 25 and their Mom's may kick them out of the basement. Remember Davey Crockett, hula hoops,Tiny Tim or, more to the point, Peewee Herman? Axel Rose? Dust in the wind! Milo deserves credit for briefly mobilizing Beavis and Butthead politically. He made a big mistake appearing on the Bill Maher show. He should have just taken the money and ran like hell.
I have the game Milo Tosser for my PC. You play as 3 jihadists who throw Milo off a rooftop onto targets below for points.
The only reason leftists hate Milo so much is because he breaks every single negative stereotype they've spent 50 years painting up conservatives and libertarians to be: boring, churchy, homophobic, racist, unfunny, anti-foreigner, and a stick-in-the-mud. Milo contradicts all these things and has done so much to give young college going conservatives the confidence to defy draconian leftist indoctrination.
Wasn't it conservatives that surfaced the video that has resulted in his stripped book deal and tarnished his image?
Yes. Read the article I linked. The thing is about the book deal is that even though he can publish it himself he still has to give back the $250,000 as it was an advance on future sales. C/S, Rev J
Exercising ones right to free speech doesn't undermine free speech. Rioting to suppress free speech like they did in Berkeley, on the other hand, is what I'd call undermining free speech. As a matter of fact it fits the legal definition of terrorism: "The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85)."