Well it didn't take long to reach a mile stone... Congratulations to interval_illusion for becomming the 1000'th MEMBER! We'll be back up in the 5 didgit membership in no time!
Unless I'm wrong which happens often FoolinTheRain is the 1000th (http://www.hipforums.com/forums/member.php?userid=1000 <---1000)
ooopps!...must have looked at the thread both times, thanks for the heads up!...still an impressive number in the last few days!
That might mean Foolin The Rain was the 1000th to register. Looking at the statistics, FoolinThe Rain has no posts
By member i was referring to registered users. Anyway, We've reached another mile stone: POST # 10,000! by WeeDMaN vbmenu_register("postmenu_10000", true); [post]10000[/post]
eerm, all this works better when I read properly. Your "so..." is noted. Now, which smile to use to look ashamed?
it is amazing the amount of information going around this website... I remember when 2 years ago I was "almost" able to keep trace of everything.. checking all the interesting threads... now I'd need other 10-12 pcs and relative dedicated-brain and keeping myself online all around the clock!!!! amazing... wordless...
It certainly won't take long, some people are posting machines! The average posts/user are about 100 each in the last few days!
Although I was one of the few and the proud people who had over 10,000 I do not think I will achieve that again any time soon. I post a lot, but not nearly as much as most of these people
Congradulations to Ediction421 for Post # 25,000! That's a lost of posts in LESS THEN A WEEK! Great work on keeping the forums going Skip! http://www.hipforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=25000#post25000