hey every1 last night i was smoking out of window and i didnt know my dad was still up. in the past 2 and a bit yrs of smoking ive been caught by my parents a fair few times. i even got busted by the cops with my mate on his birthday. when my dad d\found out he went so crazy he was pushing me and going off his head. anyway about 30mins after i finished my dad came in my room so i pretended 2 be asleep. it sounded like he was looking 4 sumthing and i think he might of smelt the weed. has ne1 been in this situation? i dont no how to get them 2 accept me smoking weed. i told them i only smoke when i listen 2 music, play guitar or just chill. any help?
Be like, "yeah, i smoke" and if they try making you quit just be like " no, i wanna smoke, so im gonna, what are you gonna do about it" --->Never had to deal with that sort of thing really, So im not much help
Parents have a way of seeing things, I just did stuff they didn't like at friend's places to save us both a lot of stress...
That method usually doesnt work so well if your parents support you. Shit I cant even imagine what would happen if I had said that.
I think this thread could help you: http://www.hipforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=755&highlight=smoke+caught
Cut the bottom of a plastic bottle and put a bunch of dryer sheets on there. Then whenever you smoke, open your window and exhale through that bottle. Deodorized.
cheers for that ill try out what u told me about how 2 stop the smell andd everthing. parents havnt said anything so i think im in the clear. chops on tonight!