Midnight Madness

Discussion in 'Movies' started by koopa, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    anybody remember this classic cult movie? It starred a young michael j fox as "scott" the little brother who caused trouble for attention. Leon designed a game "the great all-nighter" it was a scavenger hunt type game where teams raced around town finding and decoding clues that lead to there next destination in the race. There was a trip to the paps blue ribbon beer factory where one of the characters dives into a full tank of beer, Harold the fat rich kid who had the van with a computer that solved the clues for him, the white team (nerds) green team (jocks) blue team (nice people) etc.
  2. gunison

    gunison Member

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    Oh, hell yeah! Yet another cheesy 80s film with Eddie Deezen and that fat white guy with the afro who couldn't get laid. I haven't seen that flick in years. Forgot Michael J. Fox was even in it (ever see a movie called High School USA?).

    You'll find my next post "between two mellons."
  3. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    no never saw that one....

    "I've got paps blue ribbon on my mind"

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