To under go heart valve replacement surgery... get well soon mick! I'm surprised he hasn't had a heart transplant... let's face it, that heart has kept him romping around that stage for one hell of a long time... Will he be back though? At 75, I sure hope he is.... be good to yourself Mick.. Speculation surrounding Mick Jagger’s medical treatment explodes online
To be fair: he kept young really long. Which imo is essential for a good rock 'n roll performance. But yeah, you don't have to be young forever indeed.
nope., sorry they have to open your chest for a valve job..... and I believe they still use a valve from a pig's heart
I stand corrected, they can install a new heart valve through your femoral artery Mick Jagger Undergoes Successful Heart Valve Procedure
Well, his heart is now okay, but what really concerns me is that narcissism. I hope he truly turned over a new leaf and learned empathy as he aged. Hard to be a great lover when one is narcissistic and has "contempt for women". Narcissism, hair-lips, club feet, they're all in the same category. Are we looking at a new Mick?
Thanks. Mom had a sense of humor. I'm from a big Mormon family and we all got numbers for middle names.