Michael Moore Hates America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kayatree, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    And once again, Moore never said in BFC that Americans should be divested of all their guns. You're simply being filled with the vitriolic reactionism of rabid NRA apologists who think everyone should have the right to bear any category of weapon manufactured.

    Sorry but military assault weaponry has no place on America's streets or in private homes. Especially when those most rabid about guns also tend to be the predominant supporters of Bush's supposed "liberation" of Iraq which is sytematically trying to "disarm" Iraqis whilst supposedly gifting them with "democracy".

    The hipocrisy of the gun lobby knows no limit.
  2. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    well, we aren't so different you and me, because i could use Bill O Reilly as a punching bag, oh, and Rush Limbaugh...

    Peace and Love,
  3. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    There is nothing like seeing someone undone by their own references. Moore, in his own defence, says Littleton used to make WMD components" (decades ago) and Lockheed makes WMDs in other plants. GREAT! But does Littleton make WMDs now, which is the question we are trying to answer? NO. LickHERish, reread the quote, you have only managed to prove yourself wrong.

    I also find it extremely entertaining that you would object to "hate-filled labels" yet anyone who's view differ from your orthodoxy do not speak, or think, or say, they alway "spew". And you cannot refer to the views of NRA members, only the "vitriolic reactionism of rabid NRA apologists".

    I suggest you put aside your Thesaurus of Anger and work on improving the content of your posts.
  4. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    No I did not prove myself wrong PB, as always you wish to argue a claim which Moore never made in his film. He didn't say they made it at this moment and again I reiterate the fact that I would hardly expect to get a truthful acknowledgement from a Lockheed PR rep even if they were.

    You go right ahead and invent your absurb contrivances to discredit a documentary which in no way makes the assertions by which you seek to condemn it.

    Oh and there is a vast difference between the preferred character assassinations of your favorite misinformers and rightly characterising the manner in which they present their hate-mongering. "Spew" is indeed a fitting term.
  5. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    Obviously he spewed, er, said it, that's why he made a special point of defending himself on exactly that point on the website. Damn, you are slow.
  6. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    And you unquestionly defend warmongers, liars and hypocrits, touche. Moore answers point by point because his disingenous ideologically driven detractors fail to grap the principals he is raising to the fore of the public debate.

    Nitpicky rebuttals for nitpicky minds. And you have the gall to call ME slow! lol.
  7. Kosmic_Klown

    Kosmic_Klown Member

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    He just hates the people running it. And that's one of the great things about this country(or at least it's original foundations) you can dislike the people running the show and voice it like here. So don't hate the country hate the people running(not that you should anyone or anything...It's such a strong word).
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Speaking of Michael Moore, I've got a Michael Moore joke to tell. I got it off of Conan a few weeks ago...

    You know how he sometimes does that segment where he compares this to that? Well, this was one of them.

    Conan: "Michael Moore's new movie 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is to the connection between the Bushes and bin Ladens, as Michael Moore's pant size is to the connection between Moore and Quizno's Subs."

    Hahah.... I got a good laugh out of that!
  9. MeowCow

    MeowCow Guest

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    1) any U.S. citizen that has stated they hate the U.S. in this topic, should just leave, its that easy, pack up your bags and go to a communist country where youll be happy.
    2) I once tried telling people about Michael Moore and the falseness of his movies, everyone yelled at me, you people are really arrogant.
  10. Loki84

    Loki84 Member

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    So michael moore hates america/ That's his choice, not mine!!!!

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