What metonymies can you think of? How about: German “Democratic” Republic (DDR) It was a dictatorship. “President” Nicolae Ceaușescu He was a king.
What is your definition of a king? Ceausescu was a dictator, he did rule for life, but he didn't inherit his position from his family, he was not part of a monarchy, he met his predecessor in prison. But he did act as an absolute ruler, like a king...
He did not inherit his position, but there have been many kings of England who had week claims to the throne like HenryVII. Presidents are usually elected.
("...governmental systems, if they don't start out as such, invariable sink into dictatorship..." mentioned th goblin as if remembering that god's blessing was in fact that the higher the tree reached, the more it leached the nutrients upwards unto its topmost branches till finally top-heavy it tumbles under it arrogance, whereupon the goblin smiled, adding "...and yes, we do seem to live in such arrogant times then, but again the salt of the earth will always throw up new trees after the old ones topple...")
A coffee shop is a place where you can buy a cup of coffee, but generally people go to a coffee shop to get something to eat on the premises.