I tried meth a few days ago... Since i was a young kid ive always been sort of curious with drugs when everyone else is your typical "ill never smoke , drink, drugs child" Ive always been willing to try anything because i am a pretty nonaddictive person believing i could handle it with the exception of meth. I always said its the one thing i would never touch. I have tried nearly everything other than heroin, meth, and crack. I will still try heroin its on my bucket list and i dont really have any desire to explore crack. With meth i really just wanted to know what all the hype is about. Well as my luck has it a friend of mine wants to hang out with a guy he met at some random house. He has never done it either so when it was brought up i immediately said no but he was willing to try it after them explaining how they have already smoked it and they are high and we couldnt even tell. Me being curious after hes on it and being fine decide i can handle trying this. I smoked probably around 7-10 hits on the pipe. Well it felt great. amazing actually. was expecting to be more high but i realize the addictiveness now. its something you can be on all day and no one will ever know. and when you come down its really hard to feel any emotions or joy i guess since your brain is used to 1000x the dopamine after doing it. However. once was enough. Ill never try this shit again because i believe with long term use it will destroy your brain and completely eradicate your personality into a sad zombie like human being. regrets? maybe. maybe not. Nothing im proud of obviously and it is now one of my most guarded secrets. who would want people knowing they do this shit? But i am happy i can now relate to people with the struggles of this addiction and know somewhat where there going through and why they continue to use.
Heard my psychology professor mention it quite a few times. But no i dont know too much about it enlighten me? Well googled it I know a lot about it now whats your point?