Meth instead of Marijuana

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by ihavenoideawhatsgoin, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. ihavenoideawhatsgoin

    ihavenoideawhatsgoin Banned

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    I was reading a newsweek article that said that the new focus of the drug war will soon change from marijuana to meth. Hooray. The government is slowly getting off our back! Well maybe not, but I think so.
  2. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    yea im sure glad they replaced the irish in railroad demolition with chinamen . cause im a callouse bastard that it doesnt apply to your own particular vice ....let the gov abuse and imprison others unjustly cause i dont care .... all laws are wrong ....if there were no barriors litigiously to murder ....there would b no asshole preditors ....
  3. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    i've been hearing a lot about meth lately too, that shit is terrible, it needs to be controlled a little better, imo. it's just so easy to make, from household items, in the back of your car if you want (though incredibly flammable) so it's very difficult to deal with. just laws on buying things (sudafed, auto chemicals, etc) are getting mroe strict.
  4. TheLizardKingMike

    TheLizardKingMike Members

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    Yeah meth is by far a bigger concern than pot.
  5. dangermoose

    dangermoose Is a daddy

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    theres a large difference between meht and marijuana. you can do marijuana without destroying any semblence of a normal life...meht on the other hand...
  6. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    the shit is sooo gross , if it were legal , nobody would want it .
  7. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree
    but still even with changing focus, War on Drugs is still evil as hell
  8. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger Senior Member

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    It does seem like meth is on the "top" of the list of what cops are after, but the crack craze of the 80's didn't end the persecution of pot smokers.
    But the average cop on the beat KNOWS pot doesn't cause even 1% of the problem that meth does.
    More and more, all across the U.S., cops aren't busting people for pot anymore.
  9. blueeyedson

    blueeyedson Member

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    oh thank god...I thought by the thread title you wanna do meth instead of MJ...the war on drugs shouldn't have anything to do with marijuana
  10. TheLizardKingMike

    TheLizardKingMike Members

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    This is very true, but sadly is not the case.
  11. aesther

    aesther Member

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    i think the war on drugs is bad but maybe not for some drugs like heroin and meth
    i dont think they should go to prison/jail though, if that's all they are being charged for.

    maybe some kind of help try or whatever, but not jail that's dumb
  12. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    its foolish to imagine hope for anything akin to marijuana being forgotten by the police simply because of a "new" focus on meth. the government is constantly shifting their attention all the time....pot....then acid....then mda.....then ecstacy....then crack....then meth.....then ghb and "designer drugs"....pot....research see, they always have a change in agenda every few years, but the same things will pop up over and over again, if not as the highest priority in their efforts, then close to it. if they change their "focus" to methamphetamine, they'll STILL be looking out for other drugs as well. besides, switching the focus to meth is more invasive than, say, cocaine or heroin. cocaine and heroin are all produced outside of the united states initially and then smuggled in. they may be further processed within our borders, but coca and poppies, the source of the raw materials from which these two very different drugs are manufactured, are pretty much never grown on a scale large enough to produce anything close to a marketable supply in the us. meth on the other hand is manufactured (very dangerously) in basements, sheds, and various other locations. its cheap and relatively easy, and very widespread. i'd be surprised if much meth at all ever ended up being smuggled into the country, because there's simply more than enough for the meth users being made right in their own state. so the DEA's shift will be more towards our own backyards than farms in colombia or afghanistan or our airport security...
  13. -steve-

    -steve- Member

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    "the shit is sooo gross , if it were legal , nobody would want it"

    Man thats the gayest hing i've ever heard.
  14. digitalldj

    digitalldj Canucks ftw!

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    true dat.
  15. MarijuanaPhysicist

    MarijuanaPhysicist Member

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    yo if people wanna do meth let them, there only hurting themselves not others, if a 20 yearold wants to drink let him, long as hes not endangering others like driving drunk. if a 17 yearold wnats to smoke ciggarettes let them, long as there not blowing it ina 2 year old's face. long as the people are only hurting themselves whats the big deal?
  16. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i dont think there is a big deal if they aren't hurting someone else. i hate meth, but if you can do it without it interfering with other people's lives, go for it if you really want. but then when it becomes a drug of abuse it often interferes quite negatively with the lives of those around the user as well as the user himself. i've got friends that were former meth heads...stole hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars from parents to buy it, stole from other people, etc. same goes for friends who've had junk problems. there is also a very high increase in instances of violence when you're dealing with a highly addictive substance. people even hold up pharmacies with guns to get their drugs, don't you think that violence would be even more common when its something that can be injected or smoked, and the addiction is generally much stronger? yeah, i know its only a small percent of the people who use meth that are like this, but it is far moreso than with some other drugs.

    i think all drugs should be legal because it is your own choice what to do with your body and because in very many ways it would make the world a much safer place, however to say that "its fine as long as you aren't hurting anybody else" is just a bit oversimplifying things. i mean, hell, i know that people will even steal from or hurt others when dealing with pot or alcohol. meth is much more likely to hurt other people than many other drugs...
  17. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    oh yeah i read that meth report...white trash crack is what that is. maybe they'll start leaving the stoners alone, but i doubt it.

    man that meth is hard shitttt.
  18. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    pretty much i doubt that it's too terribly worse than taking large doses of dextroamphetamine, the major difference is probably that prescription amphetamines have legitimate sources and almost always come in a pill form, whereas you're more likely to find pure methamphetamine which could be smoked or injected.

    if you must use meth, i'd suggest people use it orally. oral consumption of drugs generaly ends up in a longer, somewhat less intense experience, and its generally a safer route as far as addiction is concerned. for example, it's a little bit easier to take oxycodone pills from the doctor without getting addicted than to self-administer heroin as an injection and not get addicted. otherwise they are almost equally powerful and addictive opioids, its just one is usually shot up or snorted and the other is usually swallowed (sometimes snorted, lending itself to much higher risk of addiction)

    unfortunately there is a lack of common knowledge about oral doses of methamphetamine, and many users aren't even aware it can be used in this way.
  19. ihavenoideawhatsgoin

    ihavenoideawhatsgoin Banned

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    not completely true. When people buy meth they're creating demand and so the cook keeps cookin and those labs blow up and kill people.
  20. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    i dont forget gang warfare!

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