meth in middle america

Discussion in 'Protest' started by phatty j's, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. phatty j's

    phatty j's Member

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    i am currently watching this show on tv about meth use and its effects in missouri. i recently moved back to Sd from Mo after finishing school. the town i lived in was on the surface a nice town, surrounded by beautiful country... forests, rivers, caves, mountains, etc. but once you stayed around long enough to notice it, the signs of a real problem were there. drug task force vans out at all times of the day. people strung out and robbing and killing others. bad teeth, hygiene, i mean bad, children living with it. it was bad. i don't know if this is a protest, but i totally protest meth use. it is a drug with no positive purpose, in my opinion. just wanted to see how others felt.
  2. confessor

    confessor Member

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    I was thinking about starting a thread that included this subject anyway. This was a good program but went a little Micheal Mooreish at times I thought. Meth use and production is unquestionably a growing and immediate problem in America. But it is just another one of our growing and immediate problems. We may never be able to solve them all, but we do need to decide which ones need to be solved the most.

    Every time society decides something is bad, one of the first cliches is "If people could only see what this stuff does to the human body, they wouldn't use it".
    Bullshit. How many 'malignant' alcoholics have sat through films showing, people describing, and actual samples being passed around the room depicting of the effects of alcohol on the human liver and other organs? Or smokers who have seen their doctor compare their own chest x-rays to those of a non-smoker? People who use drugs to alter their perception of reality are not going to have their physical welfare their first priority.

    Then they show the cases of unfortunate accidents arising from the drug's use. That's fine, might scare a couple people off. But it won't offset the number whose curiosity is only raised when they say "It's as easy to make as chocolate chip cookies". Personally I haven't found a recipe yet that would yield the quality of meth I would even consider using that's that easy, and if you're going to use one of those 'backyard annie' concoctions you might as well save yourself a lot of time and trouble, just drink some cough syrup and sniff glue at the same time.

    Another point about the tragic accident approach. It's always "It was God's way of telling me I had to stop". What is God trying to tell the elderly grandmother who is injured in a car accident on her way to church because she swerved to miss a rabbit? Walk to church? And get hit by a bus?
    I think it's good we are getting more and more information about these drugs, but we need to be sure the information is there for those who need it, in a form they are going to accept. These types of programs are one way, but there need to be more - there will always need to be more. The reality of the situation is, people are not going to stop using drugs because they're unhealthy, because they are illegal, or because they are immoral. People are going to keep using drugs as long as the drugs can make these people feel good. It's only until the drugs start making these people feel bad is there any chance of stopping it's use.

    The law enforcement agencies in this country need to face up to this fact more than anyone. We need to stop worrying about the pot smokers and LSD trippers so much and concentrate on the more deadly poisons produced and used on the streets. One of the biggest 'problems' in the area I live is the unauthorized trafficing of prescription painkillers. Although these drugs have the potential to cause death from overdose, they are still safer than some mixture of Raid and Sudafed some crackhead cooks up. At least an informed user can be aware of the amount and strength of the opiates he is ingesting, what to expect from the 'high', and more importantly an appropriate antidote can be administered if the user requires medical attention. But if the majority of enforcement remains concentrated on 'doctor shopping' it will just leave a bigger door for the cooks to walk in and set up kitchens here.

    We need to decide as a society what's important, who we want to save, and what we want our children to have after we're gone. And stop worrying so much if a few people don't wear seat belts, carry a fingernail clipper onto an airplane, or sell a couple Vicodin for a pack of cigarettes.
  3. AannaSolo

    AannaSolo Member

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    Meth is one disgusting bloody drug...
  4. mysweetisrael

    mysweetisrael Member

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    Meth's a great way to lose weight. It's also great when sleep would only get in the way. I recommend it to all my friends.
  5. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    meth is definately the worst drug out there, in my opinion. i say that because there are so many people using it for many different reasons, and it's just out of control.

    my city has a fairly serious heroin and coke problem, but it's not on the scale of the nation's speed epidemic.
  6. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    oh my god and holy hell, that made me laugh so hard i almost peed my pants and shot frosted flakes out my nose... bravo.
  7. da420

    da420 Banned

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    tried it once, it was ok, not my thing and never have the desire to do it again. I do know many responsible users. I don't think it is right to say what they can and cannot put in thier body.
  8. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    exactly. let people do what they want. its their body, not your's.
  9. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Meth is evil.
  10. element7

    element7 Random fool

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    yeah it is. until you've seen the more dire consequences close up it's just another drug to alot of people and they get hooked in by it's allure.

    True that people should be allowed to do what they wish with their body but that doesn't mean it's not ok to try and arm them with the knowledge needed to make a sound decision first. If they forego the facts and do it anyway then I believe they are a fool but never the less, free to do so. I too knew a few 'responsible' users (at first), now two are dead, ones in federal prison for vehicular manslaughter, and the others are just so brain fugged they can barely put a sentence together.
  11. kayy

    kayy Member

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    it is good for robots, it is a drug for the people who are bored, aren't so spiritual, is it lika mega coffee and coffe is absolutely vital to the matrix society to make their citizens do repetite and very boring tasks....
  12. cool-luke

    cool-luke Member

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    meth is evil and ruins many lives. And it kills!!! Eats your teeth and bones. No one should choose to use it. My friend has spots on her lungs due to smoking that shit! I think it is a problem from the west coast to the east coast, not just middle america.
  13. phatty j's

    phatty j's Member

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    i wasn't limiting it to just middle america, but middle america does produce the most meth. missouri is the meth capitol of the world. i live in south dakota now, very rural, and authorities havce seen an increase in meth production here in places like abandoned farms miles from the nearest person....i always thought sd would avopid problems like that but...
  14. confessor

    confessor Member

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    So alcohol isn't evil because it doesn't degrade your calcium levels? My teeth have been destroyed by 35 years of Pepsi consumption. The only thing I ever found evil about Pepsi was when they had Micheal Jackson promoting it [​IMG]
    And I doubt if meth could even attack my lungs through the layer of nicotine built up in them.

    I don't like meth for 2 main reasons. 1, The cooks are rarely concerned with the product's quality or even toxicity, usually their main concern is getting money for their next fix of whatever they're hooked on. 2. Some of the chemicals needed to cook meth are highly toxic/volitile, frequently mishandled, and waste from cooking is very seldom disposed of properly.

    To say a person who uses meth is only hurting themself is preposterous. Even if they manufacture it themselves, the risks it presents to innocent people are exorbitant. I don't like to blame drugs for the problems people experience by using them, and I do believe it should be every adult's right to expose their body to mind-altering chemicals if they choose to do so. But unless we want to go a 180 with meth and legalize it, so it won't be made by amateur chemists just coming off a 12 day heroin trip, we will need to find a way to curb it's use - even if that means letting a few more kilos of pot into the states.

    With that said, here's a couple articles from DRCNet I found especially interesting ...


  15. da420

    da420 Banned

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    all drugs are bad in some way or another. people should be allowed to use whatever they want as long as they are not disturbing anyone elses freedom. there are many drugs just as bad. I say charge people for the crimes they commit other than actually using the drug, i mean if they steal while on meth, charge them for stealing, if they kill on meth, charge them for murder. let the peaceful users use in peace and the violent ones go to jail.
  16. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    hi. i live in missouri- the meth capital of the world. And It is really bad in the smaller towns, in fact, i was told many times that my county is the biggest meth area in the us. nice, huh. We have had so many houses burn down b/c of meth labs, and it got BAD for a while, but it has cooled down alot these past 3 or 4 years. But before, the motels were occupied only by meth dealers/cooker/addicts. and there were SO many busts. I have seen ppl freak out running from imaginary people coming out of the trees and snort non drug stuff because they were so ate up. I'm talkin dirt and dust out of the carpet, parmasian cheese, sugar, whatever. There was a rumor at school that there was even a guy who shot up dust,dirt, and what not out of his vaccuum cleaner. I knew the guy, and he ended up dying. Also We had a guy flop in the middle of my stagecraft class from overdosing when i was in highschool. i remember alot of kids flopping. It was really scary. I am in the meth capital, and I know it really is sick. I've seen it all. Its very sick.

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