I'll be honest the only reason I got infatuated with Crystal is because of reports of people obtaining hallucinations seeing shadow people, trees talking to them, having conversations with entities not in the physical plane. I have had hallucinations on it the shadow people alot I've had the mild peripheral ones and I've also had full on dead set in front of me clear as day appearances of the shadow people. I've had auditory hallucinations like voices I've seen people in the forest and trees walking around with damn walkie talkies and shut. I've had the paranoia like being followed and thought broadcasting I sometimes feel like it opens you up to another dimension but I really don't know if it's just a delusion or that it makes your brainwaves vibrate on a higher frequency lol. What are some of y'alls interesting hallucinations off of it. I'd like to hear and what is your opinion on whether or not there is a realm that Meth opens you up to.
it is called meth induced psychosis and is accompanied by severe paranoia and dangerous thought misinterpretation that can lead to you dead have fun though
I never experienced full blown hallucinations or even shadow people on Crystal but the paranoia and thought broadcasting were undesirable effects for me. I find it slightly intriguing you found those effects appealing. I only tried it a few times but the desirable effects I got from it were hyper focusness and increased stamina which enhanced studying and hardcore sex. There's nothing about the drug experience itself of Meth that really appeals that much to me and I find Cocaine produces a close enough experience for recreation to where I wouldn't seek out Crystal. That being said, given particular circumstances where I didn't have to pay for it, I possily would indulge.
I agree. I never had any hallucinations when I did crank but I've had incredible hallucinations from sleep deprivation.
A new girl showed up at AA last Sunday. She got in legal trouble over meth and was ordered by drug court to attend meetings. She's probably about 16 or 17 and very pretty and I'm thinking, after 10 years of meth what is she going to look like?
The OP's post is much more clear now, I didn't know we were in the presence of a World Class Athlete.
All of you people replying to this user's post are ignorant yourselves. How dare you try and make people feel bad or less smart than yourself. Based off of things that you haven't experienced yourself.