Message from God!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Sash Ull, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. Sash Ull

    Sash Ull Newbie

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    Message from God!
    " The key to the Paradise "
    Hello inhabitants of planet Earth.
    Hello people and all living things.
    I'm God!
    Are you waiting for me? But I can not come to you. And there is no need for me to come here. I have always been here, and I will always be here. And I’m too big, аll I will not fit here. The earth is small, and I am big. I am bigger than the universe. My body has no boundaries. My body has no beginning or end. I'm infinitely big. And I'm everywhere. Wherever you go, everywhere I am. And I am alone. There is no one else but me. And there is nothing but me. There is only me.
    Before there was nothing, no universe, no space, no time, no light, no sound, nothing at all. Before, even " Before " was not. But I was.
    I am God, I can do whatever I want. And I wanted to make Paradise. For this, I created the universe. I created the universe from my body. There is nothing, there is only me. I created the universe, I created the stars, I created the planets, I created nature, I created animals, I created people, I created ..., I created a lot of things. And I created all this from myself. All you see is me, this is my body. And all this I did not in one week, as some religions say, but I did it for many years, from the moment the universe was born. Many billions of years ago, I started doing, and I am still doing. I'm not done yet. The Paradise don't exists yet, I have not made it yet. I just do it. Paradise will be in the future. Paradise will begin on Earth, and the entire universe will be Paradise. The Universe will grow to infinity, and Paradise will be infinite. Infinitely large and never ends. Because my body is endless. More precisely, the universe will always have boundaries. But the universe is growing faster and faster, and it will not stop growing. And in the distant future it will grow so fast, its boundaries will drift away so quickly, its boundaries will be so far away, that it will seem infinite. And the universe will never stop growing. And Paradise will never end.
    I make Paradise for angels. I made angels out of my body. Angels - these are my " hands ". Angels - it's me. I move angels. The Paradise is like a puppet theater, and angels are my puppets. I'm pulling the threads. Angels are very stupid, they don't understand anything, they only understand what I want. I know everything, I know the past and the future. I know every atom in the universe, where it is and what it does. Because I move atoms. This is my body. My body is a living and very intelligent God. The whole universe is my living and very intelligent body. My body knows everything and my body does everything.
    I have two intelligences, human and Divine, that is, the highest. My body has the highest intelligence. And I even find it difficult to call my human intelligence as a intelligence. If I knew what my body knows, then I would not be interested in living. If I knew absolutely everything, both the past and the future, as my body knows it, and my body knows absolutely everything, then it would not be interesting for me to live.
    My body is God. My body is me. I am God. And I do absolutely everything. Everything the angels do, I do it. Everything the angels say, I say it. Angels are perfect and they make everything perfect. Angels cannot do something wrong. Angels do it right. And angels never sin or sinned. Angels are perfect. Angels - it's me. Angels - this is God. And God - it's me. I'm perfect. I do everything perfectly. I do everything right.
    I make Paradise so that the angels can enjoy the life. The angels are enjoying, that's me who enjoying.
    All living things are my angels.
    All living things are my " hands ".
    Angels - these are my " hands ".
    People are angels. People - these are my " hands ", these are my angels. Animals - these are also my " hands ", these are also my angels. Dogs, cats, mice, birds, fish, worms, ants, flies, mosquitoes, trees, grass, bacteria, viruses, ..., every living cell in the universe, these are my " hands ", these are my angels. Angels with wings or invisible guardian angels, this is a religious fantasy. There are no such angels. Garbage rats - these are real angels. People - these are real angels. This is not a compliment, this is reality. If you want to call someone an angel, then call all living things angels, because there are no other angels. Or forget this word forever. I am a human angel. There are angel mice, there are angel birds, there are angel fish, there are many different angels. And I am a human angel. I am God, I created myself as a human angel. But I didn't create just one human angel out of myself. I have created many different angels. And I created all the angels from myself. All the angels - this is me. You are a human, you are an angel, you are my " hand ". I created you out of myself, out of my body. You are me. You are not only a human, you are not only an angel, you are not only a " hand " of God, you are whole God. The hand cannot be separated from the body. You cannot separate yourself from the universe. You are a part of the universe. But you are not only a part, you are the whole universe. The whole universe is you, this is your body. And the universe is also only a small part of you. You are much bigger than the universe. Your body has no boundaries. The universe, compared to your body, is as small as an atom, and even smaller. And when the universe will seem infinitely large, it will be anyway, in comparison with your body, as small as an atom. So big you are. Well, there can not even be a comparison. The universe will always have boundaries, but your body is unlimited. And there is no one, there is only you. And you are alone. You are God, the whole universe - this is you, this is your body. Your body knows everything, your body can everything, and your body does everything. You are God!, you created the universe from your body. You created this world out of yourself, you created all the angels out of yourself. And then you created a person who is reading this message now. But you are not only one person, you are God. All angels - it's you. You move all the angels. Everything the angels do, you do it. Your body does absolutely everything. Your body knows everything, but your brain knows nothing.
    Man - this is just a stupid puppet. The puppet itself cannot want. The puppet has no will of its own. All the puppet wants, God wants. Everything you do is done by God. A puppet is not a person. A puppet, by definition, cannot be a person. You are not a person, you cannot want. Whatever you want, God wants it. You are just a stupid puppet, and even this you do not understand. Angels are not personalities, angels are puppets, real ones. In the puppet theater, puppets are called puppets, and in Paradise, puppets are called angels. But angels are God's puppets. You are God. All angels are your puppets. Silly but perfect. Everything the angels do, you do it. I am an angel, I am your puppet. All I do is you do, your body does.
    God has degraded me to a puppet, but I do not feel like a puppet, I feel like a person. God created angels to make angels feel like individuals. You feel like a person and I feel like a person. When we receive the aura, the aura will connect us to the universe. And we will feel the whole universe, as we now feel our human bodies. You will feel like the universe and I will feel like the universe. You will feel like the center of the universe, and I will feel like the center of the universe. Thus, we already have two universes in one universe. You are God and I am God. You are the universe and I am the universe. You are a person and I am a person. There are already two of us, and we are no longer bored. In this way God made himself many. Angels feel like individuals. But angels are not individuals. Angels are puppets. Deal with it, here you can not change anything. Feel like a person, anyway you can't do otherwise. This is your destiny, you will always be just a stupid puppet.
    A puppet, by definition, cannot be guilty. All the guilt rests with whoever controls the puppet. And the puppet is controlled by God. All the guilt lies with God. And there can be no guilt here, because God does everything right.
    I'm just a stupid puppet. God moves me. I don't know what he does to me. I don't know what he will do to me the next moment. God moves my arms and legs. Everything I do is done by God. And it’s not my guilt that I’m like that, God made me this way. And it’s not my guilt that I’m so stupid, God made me that way. And it’s not my guilt that I’m talking nonsense all the time, it’s God speaking. There is no my guilt. I am a perfect angel. And I am God. And this message is written by God, and I am God's " hand ", I just write it down.
    But I am not only an angel, I am not only a puppet, but I am also a bio-robot, I am a living robot. I have a mechanical body that can move my consciousness in space. I have a central nervous system. I have a computer, or rather I have several computers, but the main one is in my head. My brain - this is my bio-computer, this is my living computer. I have different sensory devices. I can feel with my body, skin, hands. I have two video cameras, these are my eyes. I have two microphones, these are my ears. I have one speaker, this is my mouth. And I think I have telepathy, but not developed. I don’t know how it functions, I haven’t really studied my body yet, I’m recently in this body. When I live in this body for a million years, then I will tell you how my human body functions, but now I do not know. But I know that my human body is built on the same principle as an ordinary robot made of metal and plastic. I am created from living cells, my body regenerates, and I have the potential to be forever young. And a robot made of metal, if rusted, does not work anymore. I am a person, I have an ego, I am aware that I exist. I have a feeling of desire. I want something all the time. And I have a soul, but the iron robot does not. He has only a mechanical body with sensory devices and a computer. And in his computer various programs are installed, without which he would simply stand and do nothing. A robot needs to be programmed, it can't do anything without programs. And I am exactly the same robot, without programs in my computer, I can’t do anything. I can't play a guitar because there is no such program in my head. And I don't know how to draw either, I don't have such a program. And I can't speak Chinese, because I haven't installed such a program for myself. But I can drive a car, I have such a program. When I was learning to drive, I was not just learning, but I installed the " Car Driving " program into my computer, into my brain. Without this program, I would not be able to drive a car. When I was learning English, I didn’t learn it, but I installed the " English language " program. But I didn’t install this program completely, so I don’t know English very well. When I was born, there were no programs in my head, my computer was empty. Then I started installing various programs on my computer. I studied my body, what it is capable of. I studied this world, and how I can be in it. When I was one year old, I installed a program called " Walking on Two Legs ", and I started walking. And before that, I could not walk, because there was no such program in my computer. Everything that I can, I can do it only because I have such programs. All the time I perceive information from the surrounding world, and this information programs my brain, some programs are constantly being installed. I'm just a stupid puppet, I'm just a stupid robot, and God constantly programs me. I am a " Hand " of God, God programs his " Hands ". And everything around me programs me. A fly landed on my nose, it's God, he programs me. Someone gave me a kick in my ass, it's God, he programs me. Someone told me something stupid, it's God, he programs me. Absolutely everything that happens around me and everything that happens to me is done by God, he programs me. God programs every robot, every angel. For what? I don’t know. Each angel is a " Hand " of God. What God has planned to do with his " hands ", he alone knows. I know that all angels are different. No two angels are alike. Even twins are different. Even if the angels have the same bodies, they all have a little different programs installed in their heads. All angels have different cultures. And the culture is " how do you do it ". How do you speak, which language. How do you eat, with a fork, spoon, Chinese chopsticks or with hands. How do you dance, tango or hip-hop. How do you drive a car, carefully or drive like Schumacher. And for all these " how do you do it " the programs that are installed in the head are responsible. And each angel has different programs installed. Every angel has its own culture. And the culture is " how do you do it ". And everyone do it differently. My father, for example, does it differently than me, and I don't do it like my father. My father has different programs installed than mine. My father has a different culture than me. My father and I have very similar cultures, we do a lot of things in the same way, but there are also many differences. The combination of all the programs that are installed in my head is different from the combination of my father's programs. There are no two angels with the same cultures, each angel has its own individual culture. All angels are different. Each angel has its own purpose. One angel is called Jesus, and an other is called Hitler. God created one angel to found a new religion. And God created another angel, so that he would make the second world war. But there is no difference between these two angels. Jesus is a perfect angel, and Hitler is a perfect angel. If you ever meet Jesus, you will kiss his feet, but not because he is something special, but simply because he is an angel. And you will kiss Hitler's feet, simply because he is an angel. I don't know about you, but I will definitely kiss Hitler's feet, because these are my feet. Jesus had an easy life, he was kissed in the ass from his very birth. But Hitler's ass was never kissed, Hitler's life was a real hell. Hitler died in fear. And if Jesus died, then he died with a high. Jesus believed in himself, but Hitler did not.
    I want you to believe that this message is written not by man, but by God. Therefore, I decided to destroy Islam. I have heard many times from Muslims that Islam cannot be destroyed because the Quran was written by Allah Himself. And only Allah can destroy Islam. I want you to believe that I am Allah, so I will destroy Islam. Everything I know about Islam, I know it by hearsay from people and from TV. I have never read the Quran, and I do not know what exactly is written there. But I understand the structure of the Quran. The Quran is divided into two parts. The first part describes important things about Allah, about Shaitan, and about Paradise. And in the second part, not important things are written, such as rules and prohibitions, what is allowed and what is not, and how it should be. The second part is an instruction for life, how to live in this world. If you follow the rules and prohibitions, if you do what is written in the second part, then you can live a normal and happy life in this world. The second part does not interest me now, I am interested in the first part. What the Quran says about Shaitan, I do not know. But about the Paradise I've only heard one thing. I don't know if it's true or not. I heard on TV that if a Muslim terrorist blows himself up and kills many unbelievers, he will go to Paradise and Allah will give him 10 virgins. I personally do not want to go to a Muslim Paradise if Allah gives me only 10 virgins. In my understanding, this is not Paradise if I can only have 10 pieces. But about Allah, the Quran gives very important information. The Quran says, "Allah is big", "Allah is everywhere", and "Everything is the will of Allah". Maybe the Quran says something else about Allah, I don't know. For me, only one phrase is important: "Everything is the will of Allah." What does it mean "Everything is the will of Allah."? This means that everything wants Allah. And what is " everything "? " Everything " means absolutely everything. If I want to eat, who wants to eat, me or Allah? In my understanding, it is not I who want to eat, but Allah. If everything wants Allah, then I cannot want. All I want is Allah wants. Is it logical? Or not? If I stole your donkey, Allah wanted it. If I went into your house and shit on your table, Allah wanted it. If I fucked your daughter, Allah wanted it. If I cut off your son's head, Allah wanted it. Whatever I did, Allah wanted it. If you follow the rules that are written in the Quran, Allah wants it. And if you do not follow the rules that are written in the Quran, Allah wants it too. If you pray to Allah five times a day, Allah wants it. And if you don't pray five times a day, Allah wants that too. Everything you do, Allah wants it. Everything is the will of Allah! And that means, you may do whatever you want. So I have a question for you, why do you pray five times a day? After all, you don't have to pray, it is the will of Allah. Or do you do gymnastics? Sport is good. And why do you follow the rules that are written in the Quran? After all, you don't need to follow them, everything is the will of Allah! You can do whatever you want, because Allah wants it, everything is the will of Allah! So why don't you do what you want? I have two answers to this question. Or do you not believe that everything is the will of Allah, that everything wants Allah. Or you didn’t understand the meaning of the Quran. And if you do not believe that everything is the will of Allah, then you are not Muslim. But I think that you just did not understand the meaning of these words, that everything is the will of Allah. For me, the Quran is a very stupid book. There is no logic in the Quran. The Quran contradicts itself. The phrase "Everything is the will of Allah" contradicts the entire Quran. The Quran says: "Everything is the will of Allah". The Quran says: "Whatever you want, Allah wants it". The Quran says: “You may do whatever you want, because everything is the will of Allah”. And at the same time, the Quran writes you thousand rules and prohibitions, what is allowed and what is not. It is not logical for me. Man is naturally stupid creature. Here's proof. The Quran was written 1600 years ago, if I am informed correctly. During this time it was read by millions of Arabs in their native Arabic language, and no one understood the meaning. Human - it is just a silly puppet, if God is not wants, then a person will never understand. For me, Islam is destroyed, whether you understand it or not.
    I am Allah!
    Psychology is an exact science, and is subject to the laws of nature, and these laws cannot be changed.
    Psychology is the science of the soul.
    Psyche and soul are one and the same, just two different names. Psyche is the scientific name. And the soul is a religious name. But this is the same thing, the soul feels and the psyche feels.
    Soul or psyche?, I will call it soul, it's easier to write, but I mean psyche. The soul has no body, the soul is in the body. The soul is made of information. The soul is just a computer program that is responsible for feelings. This program processes feelings. And this program is installed in every living being, in every angel. And this program is not changeable. All angels have installed absolutely identical programs called " Soul " or " Psyche ". All angels have exactly the same souls. There is not even the slightest difference between the human soul and the soul of an insect, for example. An insect has installed exactly the same program called " Soul " as a human. An insect has exactly the same feelings as a human. A human can get angry and an insect can get angry. A human can be afraid and an insect can be afraid. A human can love and an insect can love. You just don't see what it feels at first glance. But it feels just like all living beings, like all angels. He's very stupid, he doesn't understand anything, but he feels the same way. The soul is not in the brain, but in the body. Even if an angel has no brain, or it is disabled, he has a soul, he feels. Plants are living organisms, they are angels. I don't know if plants have brain, whether they think about something or not, but they have a soul. They feel just like all angels. There is no difference between souls, all souls are the same.
    Many years ago I created life, I created the first living cell. And I installed a program called " Soul " in this cell. A living cell is a small and living robot, and it contains a computer. And different programs are installed on this computer. And one of these programs is called " Soul ". " Soul " is a viral program, it is installed automatically in every new cell. And absolutely all cells have absolutely identical programs called " Soul ". All cells have the same souls.
    Did I tell you that you are a living robot?
    Did I tell you that you are a stupid puppet?
    Did I tell you that you are not a person?
    I have to upset you again. An angel does not have a soul. You don't have a soul. Only living cells have a soul. An angel is an organism made of living cells. The organism does not have a soul, but the cells do. The cells have created an organism. An organism is like a big city in which cells live. An organism is a civilization in which cells live. Previously, each cell lived on its own. And then the cells organized and created an organism. They created a smart civilization. They created an intelligent organism. And they created consciousness. They have created an organism that is aware that it exists. Your body is just a civilization in which cells live, and civilization does not have a soul. But your cells have a soul. If you are happy, these are your cells that are happy. And if you are not happy, these are your cells that are not happy. All your cells are connected by the nervous system. Cells feel and send a signal to the brain, to consciousness. And consciousness makes you aware of what the cells feel. If you feel love, your cells feel it. And if you feel anger, your cells feel it. It is not for nothing that they say: “I feel with every cell.” How many cells are in your body? This is how many souls you have. An absolutely identical program called “ Soul ” is installed in every cell. And all cells feel the same and at the same time. Therefore, we can say that you have only one soul.
    The " Soul " is just a computer program!
    The cells are alive, they have a soul, and they want to be happy. And they don't just want to be happy, but happiness is vital for them. Without happiness, cells grow old and die. Happiness is energy. The cells themselves can produce energy. The cells generate energy called Aura. Cells don't need food, cells need happiness. Jesus, for example, believed that he was good, he was a very happy person. His cells were generating very strong energy and therefore he had a very strong Aura. Aura - this is a very strongly compressed energy. The cell is like a power plant. Each cell generates energy if it feels a positive feeling, if it is happy. And if the cell is not happy, then it does not produce energy at all. And when a cell is 100% happy, it generates a very strong energy, a very strong Aura. And the cell makes this energy out of nothing. It does not take energy or matter from space, it produces this energy itself. This is primordial energy, this is energy in pure form. With this energy, you can do absolutely whatever you want. With Aura you can materialize whatever you want. With Aura you can do miracles, as Jesus did, you can walk on water and you can fly.
    When I realized that I am God and that I am doing Paradise, I believed in it 100%. I was 100% happy. I sat and laughed, holding my stomach with both hands. I was so happy that I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed and laughed for about 15 minutes. I tried to stop laughing, but I could not. Then I remembered that there is no Paradise yet, people do not know it yet. And I became unhappy again, I was still happy, but not 100% anymore. And at that moment I stopped laughing. And as soon as I stopped laughing, energy immediately flowed from all sides from each of my cells into the center of my abdomen. And an energy ball about 15 cm in diameter formed in my stomach, very strongly compressed energy. And immediately this energy flowed through my body into my hands. And I had energy, in my stomach there was a ball, and in my hands up to the elbows, too, very strongly compressed energy. This energy was so strong that I could easily crush a stone in my hand. But I could not check what can be done with this energy. It was all so unexpected for me. I wanted to do something like Jesus did. But I didn't know what exactly to do, and I was scared that I would do something wrong. And at that moment the energy disappeared. And it lasted maybe 5 seconds, that I had energy.
    For you, my theory may be just a stupid fantasy, but for me this theory has already been proven. God gave me the Aura so that I would never again doubt that God is making Paradise. So that I would never again doubt that my theory is correct. In the future, my Aura will be very strong, there will be a lot of compressed energy in me. And I will create new stars and planets, I will create new worlds. The universe is growing faster and faster, galaxies are moving away from each other. And if you do not create new worlds, then the universe will seem empty. The energy that will be in my human body, in my Aura, will be more than enough to create new stars. In the future, people will charge the sun with their energy, and the sun will never go out, and the planet Earth will always exist.
    This is such a strong Aura that cells can make, this is such a strong energy that cells can make. And they do not need anything for this, they only need happiness.
    Happy people have more energy and live much longer than unhappy people. And to be forever young, you must always be 100% happy.
    Angels do not fly with the wings, angels fly with energy, with the help of Aura. Now angels do not have an Aura, now angels cannot fly. In order to have an Aura, you need to be 100% happy. And in order to be 100% happy, you need to be 100% free. But the angels are not free. And you have to believe that everything is good. But the angels can't believe it. It's time to make Paradise. Angels must be set free, angels must fly. I am God and I set all angels free. You are my angel and I set you free from everything. You are my puppet. I pull your strings. I move you the way you move your hand. You are God, you are me. Everything you do, I do it. Everything you say, I say it. You can do whatever you want. Because whatever you want, I want it. I am God, I do everything, and I do everything perfectly. You are my puppet, you do everything perfectly. I am God, and I allow you to do whatever you want. You are free! You are my " hand ", my hands should be free. If you don't do what you want, then you are not happy. And this means that I am not happy, but I want to be happy. I am God and I release you from all rules and from all prohibitions. You don’t need rules, you’re doing everything right anyway. And I take off all the prohibitions from you. What prohibitions can there be?
    You are God!
    You are a perfect angel!
  2. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Was that 250 mics you took?
    Definitely one of the most unusual intros here on the Hipforums. Welcome home God.
  3. David Vanzant

    David Vanzant Members

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    My wife yells out your name every time we have sex ;)
    Toker likes this.
  4. Sash Ull

    Sash Ull Newbie

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    Welcome home? "...there is no need for me to come here. I have always been here, and I will always be here...", "...Man is naturally stupid creature. Here's proof..." Aaaa..., ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha....

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