Christams is a holiday celebrated on December 25th each year by people who don't give enough of a fuck to properly edit their posts, or who can't spell in the first place.
Merry Christmas! I fixed the title of this thread for you. Hope all you HipForums people are enjoying the holiday
Merry Xmas guys, you really make me laugh sometimes. As long as I stay out of the political forums, in which case you really piss me off sometimes.
*Charlton Heston voice* Ah, yes. Today we celebrate the birth of The Christ. May we all be bapTIZED and freed from the Sin of Adam.
Perhaps You Should Have Posted This In The "Whiners Forum"....???....Just A Thought...... Cheers Glen.
Might Be Time To Turn Off The Puuuuter......And Find Another Outlet For The Rest Of The Xmas Break........Just A Thought....... Cheers Glen.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS YOU BEAUTIFUL FUCKERS!!!!! May this Christmas time nourish your hearts & souls, may you find yourselves not lackin' for warm embrace, & for the love of God please help Santa out if his fat ass got stuck in your chimney