Mercy Please! It's Mrsa :(

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by ZenKarma, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Mercy mercy, please, I got the MRSA from a recent hand surgery for skin cancer...[​IMG]

    A tiny snip of a squamous tumor, no big deal, right?

    Well if you are going to get this type of Moh's Surgery done, make sure the doctor is not sick, and is wearing a mask, gloves, and following proper infection protocols.

    I can't believe that in this time of EBOLA, MARBURG's VIRUS and other delights that doctors can be so lax.

    Three days later the staph had spread all across the back of my hand. A culture taken by the same doctor (when I told him about the infection) came back positive for MRSA.

    (Not MY hand...)

    He prescribed penicillin. His assistant told me that it was the 'premiere treatment' for MRSA. I took the pills for ten days and watched it grow... then went to another doctor.

    By then it had spread to my eyes...

    48 hours later the colloidal silver in sulfa creme has vastly improved my hand, and the Septra (a double acting antibiotic) has reduced my fever and I'm beginning to feel better... but the pills continue for 15 days.

    The doctor also prescribed some eye drops that seem to be working on those... at least I can open them and see enough to type with one hand today!

    The point of this tale...

    Penicillin DOES NOT work on MRSA.

    DO not trust doctors that don't talk to you, explain anything, and won't listen to your concerns.

    GET a second opinion before letting ANYONE cut you open...

    RESEARCH your doctor before you go to see him/her. I found after the fact that the doctor I had gone to was previously suspended for five years from medicine in California for GROSS NEGLIGENCE on three different patients.

    Will I get suckered again?

    Hell NO!

    If anyone out there has had experience with MRSA I'd like to hear about how you dealt with it and how long your recovery was...

    And meanwhile Stay Healthy Everyone!!!
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  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I hope you are okay. =)
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  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Thanks Irminsul! Im going to kick it to the curb :)
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  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    sorry this happened, but glad to hear that things are getting better

    there are too many doctors out there who are not competent

    try to always get someone who has been recommended to you.
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  5. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I thought the premiere drug for mrsa was zyvox. Which is wicked expensive so its good you did not have to take it. Glad you are on the mend!
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  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Crazy how you go to the hospital to be treated for one life-threatening condition, and you end up with another. MRSA is another one of these antibiotic-resistant bacterias that thrive in hospital settings, and is the result of the overprescribing of antibiotic drugs to treat infections. Mother nature produces one of the very best antibiotics, and it comes from the sun and is called vitamin D. Ironically, too much sun also causes skin cancer, but just the right amount is the key to having a healthy immune system so you don't even need to be prescribed antibiotics in the first place. Most people don't get enough sun because of where they live, so this is why supplementing is essential for most people who live far enough away from the equator. Most adults need about 5,000-8,000 IU's of vitamin D daily.
  7. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Hey PR, thanks for that! I read the same thing elsewhere today... will do, roger!
  8. Annwyn'Bri

    Annwyn'Bri Member

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    I got mrsa in 2006 after being treated in the ER for a kidney infection. It took me months to get it cleared up, the pain was awful and I still have discolored skin on my leg from it and it's almost 10 years!!
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  9. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I hope it all clears soon!
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  10. grndzro

    grndzro Members

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    I got doctors screwing up 1/2 the people I know because they went to school 20 years ago and are trusted because they have MD after their name. Makes me sick just thinking about it.
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