Mens habits

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by zeta333, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. zeta333

    zeta333 Members

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    Hi everyone

    I made a little questionnaire about out habits (hygiene, cleanliness etc), would be interesting to compare! To participate just copy the questionnaire, paste and answer!
    of course for men only ;)

    1. your age:
    2. country you live in:
    3. relationship status & children:
    4. sexual preference:
    5. nr of times you fuck per month:
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life:
    7. number of times you masturbate per week:
    8. nr of showers you take per week:
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands?
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands?
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands?
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= conpletely loyal, 0 = completely infidel)
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole)
    14. do you recycle your trash?
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window)
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush)
  2. zeta333

    zeta333 Members

    Likes Received:
    1. your age: 36
    2. country you live in: Spain
    3. relationship status & children: divorced, 1 child
    4. sexual preference: women
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: 3- 4x
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life: around 20
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 5-7
    8. nr of showers you take per week: in winter 5 - 6, summer 7-10
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? no, never
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? usually not
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? usually not
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= conpletely loyal, 0 = completely infidel): 5
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole) 5
    14. do you recycle your trash? no
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window). 6
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush) 3
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

    Likes Received:
    Eww @ your bathroom habits. or.. not habits.
  4. Michael1985

    Michael1985 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

    Likes Received:
    1. your age: 34
    2. country you live in: Canada
    3. relationship status & children: single
    4. sexual preference: women
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: 0
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life:0
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 2-3
    8. nr of showers you take per week: 5
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? Depends on the situation
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? 100% of the time
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? If I need to, and I take a shower soon enough
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= conpletely loyal, 0 = completely infidel) 9
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole) 8
    14. do you recycle your trash? yes
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window) 10
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush) I only use urinals, never toilets, but always flush unless it's automatic and I don't have to.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

    Likes Received:
    why would it be interesting?.........why ''of course men only''.....dont women pee?...and fuck etc?

    question everything....
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  6. zeta333

    zeta333 Members

    Likes Received:
    1. because this is the men's section. But you can use the same questionnaire and post it in the women s section if you want.
    2. If u dont find it interesting why are u losing your time by reading and posting in here then?
    greets ;)
  7. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

    Likes Received:
    mens issues forum doesn't exclude women from posting....dont be silly

    you are the one who said it would be interesting....I asked you why is all....what part of how I shit is interesting to you?...just curious
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
    Driftrue likes this.
  8. zeta333

    zeta333 Members

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    hey cool down mate, why this agressive tone? look, again if you dont find it interesting ... go leave and read somewhere else! Its totally ok if you dont want to answer, nobody obliges you to. I answered your questions, but due to your aggressive writing I wont give any more details. So I suggest you open your own polls, make your own stuff instead of nagging around!
  9. bigredinmass

    bigredinmass Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

    Likes Received:
    1. your age: 49
    2. country you live in: United States
    3. relationship status & children: divorced, dating, no kids
    4. sexual preference: Bisexual
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: 8
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life: lost count
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 5+
    8. nr of showers you take per week: 7+
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? In public always, at home not usually.
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? ALWAYS
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? yes, get the lube off and the jizz.
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= conpletely loyal, 0 = completely infidel) 5 monogamy is not for me, but my love is true.
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole) 7 to 8. I am by no means perfect but try to be a good person and treat people with respect
    14. do you recycle your trash? Yes
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window) 5 I smoke so have thrown my butts on the street which gets swept in the city.
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush) 10. Most toilets have auto flush now.
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

    Likes Received:
    1. your age: 35
    2. country you live in: US
    3. relationship status & children: single, and i don't date children
    4. sexual preference: daily
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: 0.0001
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life: none, i avoid trannies
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 10ish
    8. nr of showers you take per week: 10ish
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? usually
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? no, i always wash my hands after shitting
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? yeah, i'm not going to walk around with gobs of lotion everywhere
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= conpletely loyal, 0 = completely infidel) complete infidel, according to my buddy mohamed
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole) i consider myself a great guy. other people may disagree.
    14. do you recycle your trash? no, but that's mostly because i would have to drive it many miles to get it to a recycling center
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window) 9.5. there have been extreme situations where something might get dropped on the ground, but that's very rare
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush) i flush if that's an option. a lot of public urinals have that disabled. and i seem to frequent places that have either port-a-pots or those outhouse style bathrooms where they just stick a plastic cylinder on top of a hole in the ground.
  11. maty67

    maty67 Members

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    Si conocen a Diana Carolina Chafloque Navas, tengan cuidado con sus maridos es una perra barata que tiene que pagar para revolcarse con cualquier hombre que se le cruce en frente, con el mío lo hace todos los meses, teniendo ella su marido. Las más asolapadas son las más zorras.
  12. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    1. your age: mid sixties.
    2. country you live in: USA
    3. relationship status & children: Married w/children
    4. sexual preference: Straight
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: The spouse 0, sex partners from once to several depending on schedules and need.
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life: Over twenty women and counting. Never have, never will fuck a man.
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 5 to ten depending on how I feel.
    8. nr of showers you take per week: minimum 7.
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? Always
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? Always
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? Never, unless licking them clean counts.
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships. Completely loyal (10) but will take care of my sexual desires. Anything my spouse needs I do my best to provide. When I need to take care of myself I have encounters with other women.
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? I am an extremely good guy. (10)
    14. do you recycle your trash? Yes, I put everything in the bag and send it to the land fill.
    15. do you litter? 10, I never litter.
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? 10, I flush always. I even preflush if I see urine in the bowl.
  13. JS420

    JS420 Members

    Likes Received:
    1. your age: 69
    2. country you live in: US
    3. relationship status & children: divorced/no children
    4. sexual preference :straight
    5. nr of times you fuck per month: none/looking for another partner
    6. nr of women/men you fucked in your life: 15 women and no men
    7. number of times you masturbate per week: 3 or 4
    8. nr of showers you take per week: 7
    9. after pissing do you usually wash your hands? no
    10. after shitting do you usually wash your hands? yes
    11. after masturbating do you usually wash your hands? no
    12. how loyal are you in your relationships (10= completely loyal, 0 = completely infidel) 10
    13. do you consider yourself a good guy or an asshole? (10= extremely good guy, 0= complete asshole) I'll have to say a 7 because I can be an asshole at times
    14. do you recycle your trash? Yes, we have a special garbage container for all recyclables
    15. do you litter? (10= I never litter, 0= I throw everything on the streerlt/throu the car window) I gotta go 8 on this. I have, on rare occasions tossed something out on the street
    16. If pissing in public toilets, do you flush? (10= I flush always, 0 = I never flush) 10

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