Men And Womens Experience With Penis Exercise (Pe)

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by MarcIsHere, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    Plase trolls stay away. Have tried posting on this topic but as with most threads i have read through on this forum most responses are just people being sarcastic to make themselves seem whitty to themselves.

    Have any men done PE themselves? Have any women here had boyfriends or husbands who have done it? Did it actually work? it's always thought that anything having to do with this subject is a joke. research into the topic continues to grow though sparking my interest. i have always been interested in the human body and what changes it is capable of depending on the external stimulus it incounters.

    Thank you for your respnses.
  2. MrDown4NEThing

    MrDown4NEThing Members

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    I tried once but cud never stay in routine. I heard that jelking can help you control cum but im not sure how effective the others are. I`ve never tried any of the size exercises so i cant comment on those. At any route, you shud be happy with what you got, no need to oversale yourself, just be confident and swing a mighty stick. Hope this helped
  3. NorCalMan

    NorCalMan Guest

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    I practice edging on a regular basis. It is an effective way to improve your ability to last longer during sex. I can now last long enough for my wife to orgasm from intercourse. I found that if I stop the edging I won't last very long during sex.
  4. naturegirl1

    naturegirl1 Member

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    four years ago my husband developed peyronies disease (a hard lump in the erectile tissue of the penis which caused painful erections then causes the penis to curve), the usual pathways through our family doctor then referral to a urologist did little to truly help, however the urologist did mention that taking vitamin E and massaging the penis with vitamin E oil was thought to have beneficial effects. I had a contact who is a Tantra therapist who suggested showing me some lingam (penis) massage techniques that would enable me to massage his penis without making him reach a climax. It involved using both hands to massage the shaft, especially around the site of the lump then using the squeeze technique to stop him from ejaculating when she detected the first signs of impending climax. She made it look very easy, but when I tried to massage him the way she did I either caused him discomfort or brought him to a climax before I mastered the squeeze! However, perseverance paid off, I finally learned the correct amount of pressure to use & how to stop him from ejaculating too soon, regular massage sessions not only helped to dissipate the lump AND stop the pain when he got erect, but also helped him to master ejaculation control.
    I still use those techniques now during foreplay and he now is able to delay ejaculating for ages...sometimes too long!
    1 person likes this.
  5. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    thanks for all of the great responses
  6. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    So i have decided to give PE a try to see if it really works. been reading through various sites and forums and info on how to do it safely and effectively. My current size is
    6.5"L x 5.5" G. gonna try for 7" x 6". I've never had issue with my current size so i think that is a good small goal
  7. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    So I have decided I will start this PE endeavor with manual stretches and an extender. I begin tomorrow. I am hoping to do manual stretches for at least 30 minutes/day and wear the extender for 4+ hours/day
  8. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    So far so good. I have doing the manula stretches and have actually been wearing the penis extender for 6+ hrs/day
  9. Firefox5050

    Firefox5050 Members

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    This definitely works for orgasm control. Before I started I'd last maybe 5-10 minutes inside a woman before I'd orgasm. After training myself using the surfing/edging technique I can pretty much last as long as I want, which in most cases is well over an hour. Also when I finally do release my load it's a MUCH more powerful orgasm with so much more cum than when I didn't hold it back. It takes awhile to master but the practice is great fun! Just get yourself to the brink of orgasm and then stop and try holding it. The trick is to learn when the right time to hold it is, as once the cum starts flowing through your cock you've reached the point of no return and it's too late. Think of it the same way as preventing yourself from urinating using your PC muscle because it's quite similar. Once you get really good you'll be able to surf on the edge of orgasm for minutes at a time, which basically feels like having one very long orgasm except without ejaculating. Well worth doing!
  10. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    i have been keeping up with this routine since 10/26. i plan to take measurements on 12/1/14. so far so good. haven't had any negative effects at all. my flaccid hang is looking longer and bigger. i'm happy about that :)
  11. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    Update: still going well. I have been able to wear th extender for 6+ hours/day. so far i am seeing a noticeable difference in my flaccid hang :)
  12. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    HI hipforums,

    I have been keeping up with my PE routine and added to it. I began using a tool called The Gripping Trainer. I use it to hang weight and do penis stretches. Using that tool along with my extender has increased my penis size by a 1/2".

    I have been using a miracle slider extender I got on ebay but then got a penimaster pro. It is great.

    I am a member at PEgym. it is a penis enlargement forum. I found out about a free penis enhancement website on their that has a bunch of videos showing how to do PE. It helped me to figure things out much easier.

    It is yourpenisenhancement dot com. I'm not sure if I can post links here or if it is frowned upon. Either way it is a free site that has helped me so if it can help someone else interested in penis enlargement like me...awesome! Below is a pic I took from the site.

    I plan to keep this up until I get to 2" of gains.

  13. Hank51

    Hank51 Members

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    I have been using a ring behind the head of my cock for some time now, (called a glans ring BTW) love the way it makes my cock feel and I wear them all day. I wondered what a heavier one would feel like. Having a lathe I could use, I have progressed to larger and heavier rings over time till now I wear one that is very large and weighs 4oz. Here is were the story returns to the subject at hand - stretching your cock. With the 4oz pulling on my cock, it hangs the same length as when I am hard 6" up and 6" down, the weight makes my cock really hang down and swing side to side when I walk. At the nude beach all eyes watch. It doesn't seem to cause a permanent change to the length of my dick, but the sensation of it banging on my leg as I walk is thrilling...

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