
Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by neonspectraltoast, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Quite personal, but this thread is for sharing those old photos from your photo album, which will soon be a thing of the past. I find all the details in old photos fascinating, and I hope someone will feed me. I am not in possession of my mom's old photo albums, or I would share some myself.

    Actually, there's one I have that I can share later. I think it was Adrianne who was sharing all these old photos, and I'd really like to see some more. For me, especially if you were a kid of the eighties!
    Dax likes this.
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i generally find nostelgia depressing, and i was a kid of the 1950s. which might be slightly connected. but there are some pictures of me at various ages on my furaffinity page.
  3. Depressing? Do you realize that you are literally witnessing the literal past? What could be more fascinating?!
  4. I like the people, but I especially like the details...old coke bottles, toys...Christmas decorations. I think it's great.
    Mallyboppa and GLENGLEN like this.
  5. Dax

    Dax Members

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    I like nothing better than paging thru old photo albums. I especially love those of the 1920s and 1930s.
  6. Well this thread is for that, even if the old photos aren't yours, though I'd still prefer them to be as ordinary as possible.
  7. Dax

    Dax Members

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    I got a gazillion but unfortuntely none of my family. Here's one anyway ....

    1930s Beach Pyjamas.

    1930s beach pyjamas.jpg
    Eric! likes this.
  8. What are "beach pyjamas?"
  9. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Have an album of legal writs served on me and my colleagues in the Law centre by the local council 45 years ago - was one hell of a legal fight in the courts. The album is well over 100 pages long. I still have it !!!
  10. Is it just me, or do girls' bodies seem to have changed in a relatively short period of time? Maybe it's just the emphasis of the clothing has changed.
  11. Dax

    Dax Members

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    Beach pajamas, which were worn by the seaside and for walking on the boardwalk, were popularized by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel in the early 1920s. The first beach pajamas were worn by the adventuresome few, but by the end of the decade had become acceptable dress for the average woman.
  12. That'd be interesting, too, Vladimir.
  13. Dax

    Dax Members

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    I'm gonna get slaughtered for saying this, but haven't ladies bums got bigger? (Dax ducks to avoid the frying pan thrown at his head!)
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  14. I can see how beach pyjamas are kind of risque. Women have a lot of responsibility.
  15. Their butts look like they hang lower, but maybe I'm just obsessed with perky butts.
  16. Dax

    Dax Members

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  17. Wow. They wore pants. Women rule.
  18. Dax

    Dax Members

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    Sorry for the double.
  19. They're always so prudent.
  20. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    How about Isaac Asimov endorsing computers? That's history!​

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