I have been making beats since i was like 16 or 17, if i can remember correctly. some of my beats i like, and there are some that i don't like very much. (I listen to beats by other producers, often.) I was wondering if you guys had any tips, like for me to improve on being consistent with my melodies in trap beat production, a melody is the sound you hear when you first hear a song on the radio, it's the "Hook" it can be catchy or complex, depending on the producer's motive and what he/she wants to do far as the melody concern, but i sometimes run out of melody ideas for new beats, takes me quite some time to think of one, but it gets done, but i want it to be consistent with every new beat i create and post online.
It always works for me to write a melody like I'm writing a loud, rock song, even though I don't play loud music.