Meeting the yeti..

Discussion in 'Weird, Bizarre and Mysterious' started by Ajay0, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    For those interested, Sri Mumtaz Ali Khan is a muslim yogi and spiritual master in India who had talked about his encounter with the yeti or abominable snowman in the Himalayas.

    In his autobiography Mumtaz Ali Khan ( also known as Madhukarnath or as just M), refers to a yeti like creature in the Himalayas which he met while resting in the region. This happened during his younger days as a wandering spiritual seeker. He had been suffering from ill-health at that point of time and was resting to recover from his headaches and ear infection.

    He had talked about hearing mysterious growls while resting in his mattress and being approached by a huge figure, whom he assumed to be a yeti. He credited the yeti's saliva drops on his ears for curing his ear infection later on. From his account, the yeti seemed to be a creature with an intuitive and benevolent nature.

    He had also discussed the yeti earlier with a wandering tibetan monk, which is recorded in the book.
    dropeaves likes this.
  2. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah right, and I can walk on water !!!
  3. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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    They are from another dimension guarding mount Kailash, that’s what I like to think anyway. Strange stuff happens there, if you stay for one day by mount Kailash your hair and nails grow two weeks worth, you age two weeks in one day. If you try to climb up you will suddenly find yourself at the bottom. Strange lights at night, a holy place.
    themnax and Echtwelniet like this.
  4. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    That is not recorded in the book, I am afraid. :)

    But seriously speaking, it is quite possible that such creatures exist which humanity has no idea of at present, save perhaps for a microscopic few.

    I did not believe in the yeti myself, but after reading of M's encounter with the Yeti, I am open to the possibility that such creatures may exist. There are similar tales of the sasquatch in north america.

    There are also references to bear like humanoid creatures in the ancient epic Ramayana.
    themnax and Echtwelniet like this.
  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    why do people refer to a species as a single individual?
    all the places they've been glimpsed, or seen supposed evidence of, wouldn't they have to be kind of able to teleport if there were only one of them?
    not to mention the minor detail that many humans would find it great fun, if the didn't get shot doing so, to take on themselves the appearance by various means,
    such as mechanically augmented costuming. i'm thinking of fursuiters. whom there may even be some one or several who have the yeti as their fursona.

    and even if they are alien pets or even people, who somehow crashed or got left behind, well ok, so, what if one of them were you or me?

    after all, any of us could be anything when all we really know of each other is what we claim with text.

    well no offense to godlike guardian spirits of a mountain. in which case, that would make them at the very least a person.
    which is how i prefer to think of individual members of all species anyway.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2022

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