Welcome guy, don't be shy. If you are shy the only loser is you. When I was 12 I was too shy, so one day nobody was at home and I had no go to the home. Of my aunt it was the lunchtime I decided to go my auto . When I arrived in, everybody were sitting on the chair around the dinner table and a variety of food were ready on the table everybody was busy, my aunt saw me at the door who stand a asked me to come in I offered a chair next to herself to eat and told me start what ever you like. I was to hunger but too shy I stupid guy told her I am not hungry so she push me to east and I foolish guy denied without any reason just to be shy. After that painful mistake I decided not to be shy any more.Since that time I never be shy any more for anything. So, don't be shy anymore and start doing what ever you like start talking whatever you like.
There is a USA section you can post in, most of the states have sub forums, I assume that you are from Michigan.
welcome-- let the fun begin. you took your first step and made this post--- now you just read different posts in different categories........ see which ones of these ((crazy)) I mean friendly people strikes your fancy....... and then reply to their posts or strike up a personal conversation by clicking on their name and click "start conversation) --- once you read a few different posts you'll feel more comfortable......