An apparent benefit of the legalization of medical marijuana has been an unexpected drop in deaths related to overdoses of prescription painkillers. A study that assessed the availability of medical marijuana and analyzed the data on deaths nationwide between 1999 and 2010 found that deaths from prescription painkillers had dropped by 25 percent in states that had legalized medical marijuana (in 2010 only 13 states had done so compared to 23 states today). The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that, in 2010 alone, overdose deaths dropped by about 1,700 in states where medical marijuana had been legalized. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), overdose deaths related to pain medications have become epidemic over the past two decades and are now the leading cause of injury death in the U.S. The CDC reported that in 2011, 55 percent of drug overdoses stemmed from prescription medications and 75 percent of those involved opiate derived painkillers. One critic of the study suggested that other explanations, such as expanded methadone and buprenorphine programs, might have influenced the drop in overdose deaths, as might the action of the Drug Enforcement Administration in shutting down "pill mills."
No. Fuckin'. Shit. All the big news I've seen covering this act like it's some giant surprise - after all, it's a DRUG, how could it cause LESS DRUG overdoses? "smh", as the youngins say.
I just read it in my inbox, wanted to share. We don't all know the same information at the same time. I don't doubt that plenty of people are already aware. I wasn't and I think the info is interesting.
I don't think you're strong enough to lift me to carry me away. I weigh close to 300 lbs. I eat a lot of cheese and gravy with my munchies, and extra extra whipped cream for my lattes.
Eating fat doesn't make you fat, though. Just ask pr. I mean, I knew this, but he's taking it to a whole new level, at least as far as my little bubble goes. He's right though, feel awesome when I don't eat much for carbs, and/or when carbs are exclusively a morning thing (other than those I need in a medical sense). I say this having just eaten three ice cream cones. I tend to do that sort of binging at night if my total for the day was low. Not by design, but because of 'merican urges.
Honestly, the best tip I have is .. wanna eat something, graB a water bottle first. I do it and it saves me about 35 - 48% of the time. Serves many purposes all at once. You know what somebody should make? MJ Water. I'd buy it. I'd drink it. 3 ice cream cones is too much. How fat / chubby / roly-poly / squishy are you? I was kidding. I'm 125 pounds but I WANT to eat a lot of cheese and gravy and extra extra whipped cream on my lattes. p.s. sorry if i made you pink in the cheeks for calling you squishy. It's your fault though, three ice cream cones. Here's another tip: make watermelon sorbet. It's easy and it tastes just like watermelon sorbet, and not like ice cream at all. It's easy to make, want the recipe?
Actually, I'm pretty trim - I have been pretty overweight when eating at cafaterias and such, but at the moment, I have a slight gut - like you'd see on a classical sculpture (though it's the only part of my body that matches a classical sculpture. Well, that and the tiny penis). An energy reserve, but not excessive. I can lose weight quite quickly, luckily. Just having a rough week with little meal time will have me looking underweight. I also ate two cans of tuna, a few tortillas, some cheese, and some tabasco sauce. But the ice cream is what I feel bad about. Ironically but not unpredictably, I also overcompensated with insulin, and now have to wait before bed so I can correct that, with yet more carb. (or, hopefully, not - as ice cream is fatty and hits very slowly, I could yet be wrong and not need any more).
Oh you got the Diabetes, huh? I fear it terribly. Had some symptoms I thought were Diabetes .. got checked, they said I was fine. But I'm not so lucky to be clear of Diabetes when I know what the primary alternative diagnosis is. If the ice cream wasn't loaded with awesome stuff like chocolate chips, peanut butter cups, fudge .. you can feel less bad then. But if you went for the good stuff then I don't know what to tell ya. Watermelon sorbet, it's GOOD! Just as satisfying as ice cream but I wouldn't put it in a cone. Cool then, we can compare our slight guts. I currently look 4 months pregnant with a baby Watermelon. True story. We can even compare tiny penises too but I'm just gonna warn ya .. I win.
What symptoms, and what's the alternative? You mean type 1 or 2? (I'm 1) It's cheap ice cream - 3 flavor. But the cone makes it absolutely amazing, I love waffle cones. However, I'm thinking I did perfect with my insulin, blood sugar's a tad high, but I've still got half an hour on the insulin. I'll have to set an alarm, to see if it keeps rising, so I don't spend all night with syrup blood if I'm wrong. 'night.
My alternative is a different disease altogether. *shrug* 'night .. and take care! I'm sure you will.