Hey guys I am doing a PhD research on people who self identify as ex-heavy MDMA users and clubbers who have now quit or cut down. It is to create a none-addictive recovery model to help those who would like to quit. If you qualify, you could help out by completing an anonymous questionnaire online in which you would tell a story about your journey and fill out some basic demographic questions, here is the link to the study and please feel free to message me if you need any more information(g.sharifi@2012.hull.ac.uk). It would be such great help and your contribution would help those in need. Thanks so much. Here is the link to the study: https://psy.hull.ac.uk/Research/RPS/RPSurvey/Takepart/?FILE=031-1410716936&CODE=8841040
I started the survey but I ran into an issue during one of the radio button questions, I tried to go back but then it kicked me to the beginning of the survey again, which I'm not going to start over.