Wouldn't it be cool if McDonalds and Apple got together and produced a supercomputer called The Big iMac.It would have a special app that dispenses cheeseburgers and fries at the touch of a button.It would be made of yellow and red plastic.I hope this technology comes around before I die.
It would only be cool if the burgers were free. I was at the Mcdonalds at 96 and broadway and they got tables that charge smartphones and tablets wirelessly just by settin it on top...that's a nice ass mcdonalds, the one by me on 181st doesn't have that shit. I still don't understand why a damned soda is more expensive than a mcdouble tho...it's just water and flavored syrup.
It would be nice if they could somehow use that computer to get my order right more than just 70% of the time.