I Love Escher! i can't think of the name of the piece, but i think it's the one where the hand is drawing the hand.. that's cool. and yeah, the ball slfl prtrait one! I saw a picture of a guy with a shaved head with the picture of the man in the ball TATTOED ON HIS HEAD it was AMAZING if I find it I'll show you
this is a link to the site with the picture of my fave, not the pic of the guy with this tattoed on his head.http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/20/PRO53ESC.JPG
You've just got to wonder, are there any other pople out there now adays who are hidden, like, imagine we never saw this work. this is just amazing. unbeliveable. it's like a fucking magic trick. nice pick, bird.
It really is. I love how it makes you look at it again and again trying to figure out how it works.. I always thought of building those things in real life.... Just to see if it can be done... World Edit is hard though lol. The one with the ball rocks. KORN did a tee shirt like that except it was a skelleton in the ball.
Haha, the ones with the staircases always remind me of Labyrinth. I've seen a video about Escher where they tried to build the impossible shapes - obviously you can't technically make them (hence the impossible) - but they had gaps in them so if you held it a certain way, it would look right. I didn't know he was dutch; he's sort of like a Bosch of a different time then, in a way. Wait, Hieronymous Bosch was Dutch, wasn't he? Time to consult the Gardner's book...
Ecsher is amazing. He uses so much math in his work, and that sort of stuff always baffles me. Art.. and... MATH??? WHAT? Heh, it makes it all so technical though. I wish I could have seen the world the way he had. It must have been pretty intense.
if you're interested in escher and maths check out Douglas Hofstadter's book 'the eternal golden braid' - loads of stuff about all sorts of things loosely centered around Escher's art, Bach's music and Godel's mathematics
i love escher. him and dali are my favourite artists. escher is my abstract, dali is just fucked up. but as far as escher goes i have so many of his pieces and his books with his artwork in it. my friend dorie is super frightened by the skull in the eye though. one of my favourites ::::
I love Esher, he must be one of my favorite artists. I especcially like the two hands drawing eachother and that one were the boll reflects himself and the room. You know, its been posted here somewere...
One of my best friends dad knew Dali back in the 60s. Dali thought that Mike and his wife were so beautiful he wanted to pain them, so they went to an island, ate some acid and he pained a portrait of them, I'll try to find it...true story I'm pretty sure. (Mike's done quite a lot of acid so ya never know...) I love Eschers work...I have a bunc of prints of his, Dalis, crop circles and fractals hanging around my bed. Beautiful work...working on getting the impossible triangle tattooed on me, though I don't know where. I want it to symbolize the everpresent and neverending paradox. I love paradoxs, and I love Escher! Werd!