Is it harmful for a 70 year old male to masturbate regularly and ejaculate but never have but erection
It lowers the chances of Prostrate Cancer in older men, and I imagine at 70 years of age a person is not spoilt for choice in the passion stakes. Just as long as you can imagine or remember somebody to join in.
Sounds like a form of Erectile Dysfunction. It's not a physically harmful condition, but it will make intercourse very difficult. Being a man of "advanced" years like yourself I would say that as long as you can still get personal enjoyment that way then I wouldn't be too concerned about it, but if you miss the feel of that hard cock in your hand then you should talk to your doctor about how to resolve the issue.
It's probably because I masturbate a lot that I don't get hard all the time, I stay soft when edging but get an erection a few minutes before I cum. The feeling is just as intense and wonderful whether hard or soft,
Do whatever makes you feel good it’s your body and your dick. If you want to get hard prior to masturbating try a penis pump. They are actually recommended by the Mayo Clinic for a non-medical solution for erectile dysfunction. Go to Mayo Clinic Online and plug in Penis Pump to check it out.
I orginaly posted in april, it seems it was only temporary and back to normal now, I occasionally cum without being erect but the feeling is just the same
I sit around all day naked as I have always enjoyed being naked especially with my friends when I was young. I do miss the days during puberty when I almost always had a hard-on. Just getting in the shower I stayed hard. Now at 53 my dick stays soft and just really small. I probably masturbate about three times a week and it does take some effort to get a hard-on. I get on the internet and watch gay porn and that's about the only thing that gets me hard. I am still confused as to whether I've always been gay and just denied it all my life. Anyway be good to yourself, it's very healthy to masturbate and do whatever it takes to get yourself hard.
No doubt. There are several anatomical reasons for not having an erection, possibly more likely with aging. There are nerves, specific muscles that control blood flow, veins and several biological chemicals involved in creating erections. Damage to any one would cause the problem. As you found out, erections are not needed to have orgasm. Men who have been treated for prostate cancer and lost their ability to have an erection often or usually are still able to have orgasm. No harm likely to come of it.
I question this. I've not seen studies to verify that there is a significant difference. I had heard this and intentionally kept very sexually active--easy for me as I have multiple orgasms per session--and was still diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 73. I'm now post treatment and age 76.
My urologist said regardless of how I orgasm, he hinted towards a dozen per month. Haven’t had sex with my wife in 4 years (her choice mentally and physically), so that leaves it up to me. Doctor’s orders.
"Doc, what can I do to keep a healthy prostate, what do you recommend?" "Ejaculate daily and no I won't give you a Rx for that..."
No, not as I can tell. I'm 70 and the only sex I have is with myself. I want to be sure I can enjoy my penis. Mine still gets stiff because I remember fun sexual scenarios I've enjoyed before. If I just do it mechanically with no stimulation or sexual excitement, I will masturbate and come with my penis not fully stiff. Now with a little prostate stimulation, albeit a rare opportunity, I have a good boner.
Not at all. It's good for your prostate health and keeps the pipes flowing. It also helps reduce stress and tension, helps yo sleep better, sharpens your focus and helps prevent anxiety and depression.