Masturbation technique

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by Fred64, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. Fred64

    Fred64 Members

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    Iam sure you guys know this, but how many of you know about the eroginous zones in your scrotum, just pressing down with a finger, almost like fingering you testicle and scrotum area by the pubic bone and your perineal area, for me it feels so.incredible when I finger that area. Any one else ever try that, I hope Iam describing it right
  2. Goander

    Goander Members

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    I always push down on them while stroking upward.
  3. steele braden

    steele braden Members

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    I am a guy.
    When I was 13, I went for a swim at my local beach.
    I came across two girls also wading out for a swim.
    They were both from my class at school.
    They were both giggling excitedly.
    I asked them what the private joke was about.
    One girl said of the other, she is wearing a length of candle up her ****.
    With this revelation, the candle girl laughed embarrassedly.
    Then she said of the other girl, she is wearing a clothes peg.
    Then the clothes peg girl lay on her back in the water, swimming and giggling some more.
    She said this was from the feeling of the cold water now entering her **** and tickling.
    Back then, clothes pegs were wooden with knob on the top and a split up the middle.
    I congratulated them on their very inventive methods they had thought up for **** stimulation.
    However, probably all teen age girls experiment sexually with themselves, although at that time, the thought had never occurred to me.
    We as guys on the other hand, have always tried many things for cock stimulation.
    I asked them how long they wear their stimulators.
    They said, all day.
    I asked what it felt like.
    They replied that it gave them a continuous wonderful happy feeling.
    No one could see any tell-tale bulge sticking out from their swimming costumes, so they both knew that they could get away with it perfectly.
    This is the safest sex possible.
    Solo sex is the best.
    Fred64 likes this.
  4. Fred64

    Fred64 Members

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    that is so hot to me I get off on girls masturbation habits

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