I nearly got caught one time. I was jerkin the gerkin and at the moment I started orgasming, my mom knocks on the door, so I had to cover myself up and she walked in and she's talking to me, and I'm there trying to contain myself as I'm orgasming. I was in agony and so embarassed. She never caught on thankfully. Anyone ever been caught or nearly been caught?
lol awww... not masturbating but having sex w/ my now ex boyfriend and his mom walked in. oh god, it was so embarrashing. We got time to cover ourselves but come-on... our pants were on the floor *covers face in embarrashment*
nah.. only one time when i giving a tissue a semen treat(cleaning up)), my mom saw. it sucks,, big time. but normally i hear her coming downstairs so i can put it away.
I was high once and said I was going to bed... Then Time peaked on Dark Side and I got all randy and started it. Shortly before launch my mom opened the door so I had to kinda turn sideways (under a quilt thank god.) She was asking if I wanted dinner. "No I'm just going to bed! Jeez!" I think she knew though... Very embarassing. [Edit] I have been caught talking dirty on the phone before... Im a loser
You still live with your parents? My sister once caught me jerking off on my computer. i didn't hear her coming so all i could do was cover my dick up. ergo she saw porn video and trousers on floor. I had to give her a bucket of maltesers and £10 to stop her being freaky.. women are odd... or maybe it's just family 'cause my girlfreind walked in on me jacking off and she finished me off... then again I dont see my sister in the same way I do my girlfriend..ex girlfreind And i sure hope they dont see me in the same way. (I have to stop talking)
No not bribe her. just get her to shut the hell up! She was just a little younger at the time and thinking about it now she still is exactly the same age younger now then when she found me jerking off on comp porn....what was i saying. Oh yeah anyway she had pics of gay porn all over her walls when all i could manage was like...the friking simpsons or sumthing. i think i caught her once but then i learnt more about the female anatomy and realised she must have a very long bendy index finger..or two... I gave her money to stop crying i think...my memory is vague p.s i am in love with your signature
I almost got caught once... I was in the shower, busy with myself, and my Mum knocks on the door. "Are you done yet? Open the door!" I had to try and persuade her not to come in. "No, I'm not done. I've still got to wash my hair!" But she wasn't having any of it. "Open the door!" Eventually I put a towel round myself and opened the door. Close one.
I've had someone know on the door while I was making love to the shower massage once...I just cracked the door and acted like nothing was happening....
Ive never been caught and hopefully never will get caught...those locks on the doors sure come in handy for your businesses...
Never been caught. I've had my girlfriend walk in a few times but we're very open about masterbation and such. And she finnished the job for me so no complaints