Masturbation and Health

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by Gainz, May 27, 2014.

  1. Gainz

    Gainz Member

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    This is regarding energy, strength/stamina, and any other things that may be affected by masturbation. Does anyone ever feel better when they take time off from masturbation? Has anyone ever had any physical problems that they would be willing to share? Links to studies about masturbation and health would be appreciated also. Thank you :)
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I'm not aware of any medical studies.

    It is certainly the position of traditional chinese medicine that ejaculating too frequently (by any means) is bad for you, though ejaculating through masturbation is worse for your health than ejaculation through intercourse.

    Ejaculating from about mid-November to mid February is supposed to be 100 times worse than ejaculating in the spring and summer.

    According to the chinese medical tradition, a healthy young man can ejaculate about once every three days without suffering ill health effects.

    Older men and men in poor health should ejaculate less frequently.

    I recommend that you do your own experiment. If ejaculating less frequently makes you feel better, then it's worth doing regardless of what a medical study suggests.
  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Men usually perform better when they have fewer orgasms. With women it's the opposite.

    I feel about once a week is optimal, for me anyway. Some people say it should be even less than that. I find that if I go any longer without busting a nut, I am not very pleasant to be around.

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