Masturbating with alone friends??

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by Bazz888, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. Bazz888

    Bazz888 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Asking both men and women ....

    Amongst your circle of close friends, who you obviously know reasonably well - if there was a friend who only had masturbation as his sexual outlet (because, for example, they have no partner or their partner is unable to play), would you be up for playing together?

    So; Ladies first (guys question below):-
    a) would you expect him or her to start the conversation?
    b) would you be upset if he raised the subject with you?
    b) would you start the conversation to make it happen, perhaps, by saying you need a helping hand?
    c) something else?

    I'd like to know the answers in relation to the person needing it, being or each gender.

    The reason I'm asking is because a female friend of my then partner approached me some time ago, when my partner was away for a few days. She took me aside out of earshot of others in her shop and asked me if I was managing OK on my own. I asked; "managing - in what way do you mean?" and she replied, "if you need help with anything, you only need to ask".
    At the time, it seemed as though an instant response was required so I said I was managing OK but, on reflection, I think she may have been suggestive or hinting that she wanted us to play. I would be willing (obvs!) purely for mutual physical release - a biological necessity, not an affair.

    I am thinking of bring the conversation up again but I don't want to cause an issue that could break our friendship or even cause her embarrassment just because I am frustrated and may have mis-understood her.

    For Guys:- Please only reply if you would be willing to play with another guy's cock. (else it's irrelevant to you)

    a) would you expect him to be straight up about it ( pun intended lol ) and freely say what he wants?
    b) would you prefer he asks you around for a coffee (for example) and maybe has porn or other conversation starter running? (Or just light trousers on and a raging hard-on pushing forward?)
    c) Are you likely to consider the invite being a ruse to get naked and playing together and, if so, would you go along with it or say outright that you're up for it?
    d) something else?

    I'd like to know this answer where the person needing it is another guy.
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    a) would you expect him to be straight up about it ( pun intended lol ) and freely say what he wants?
    Always helpful; I hate playing '20 Questions'.
    b) would you prefer he asks you around for a coffee (for example) and maybe has porn or other conversation starter running? (Or just light trousers on and a raging hard-on pushing forward?)
    That'd be OK, too.
    c) Are you likely to consider the invite being a ruse to get naked and playing together and, if so, would you go along with it or say outright that you're up for it?
    That's 2 questions.
    "Are you likely to consider the invite being a ruse to get naked and playing together?"
    Perhaps, depending upon the signals. Sadly, I can be quite obtuse.
    "Would you go along with it or say outright that you're up for it?"
    Assuming they're a friend, hell yes; I'm Bisexual.
    d) something else?
  3. LAsunshine

    LAsunshine Members

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    Im very bi curious so any suggestion made i would be receptive to him, so not sure where this falls !!
  4. Bazz888

    Bazz888 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Thanks for the responses.

    I think I may have been too restrictive with my set of questions.
    With friends knowing I was totally self-reliant for orgasms;
    a) in terms of the females, (straight or otherwise), I wonder if a female friend would wait for me to suggest we have some fun or would she take the initiative to make it happen.

    b) in respect of guys, (straight or otherwise), I wondered how they would respond if I suggested we play. Would a guy, who knows I am bursting, bring up the subject? I guess, in terms of men, the fear of rejection and/or humiliation is greater than with the ladies.
    LAsunshine likes this.
  5. SantaCruzRob

    SantaCruzRob Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I have masturbated with friends before, sometimes it was only masturbating in front of each other, the best times it goes further.
    One time in particular there were three of us watching porn, we were clearly turned on one guy pulled his cock out and in a minute we all were naked and stroking.
    We slowed down instead of cumming right away, I let go of my cock one of the guys reached over towards it and asked if it was okay, I said yes.
    For a couple of moments he just held my penis in his hand not stroking, just holding it firmly. I started pumping my hips like I was fucking, it was pretty wild, I hadn't done that before. I kept going, watching my penis in his hand, the other guy watching us closely too.
    I started breathing heavily and before I knew it I was cumming. I pumped my loud out spurt after spurt his hand squeezing my cock as I pumped in his hand till I was spent.
    Now here I am stroking my cock thinking about that time:p
    Transguy and LAsunshine like this.
  6. LAsunshine

    LAsunshine Members

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    Yep, would love to have some times like that !!
  7. Transguy

    Transguy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I love this! I’d love to wank with friends and have them touch me
    LAsunshine and Harry7272 like this.

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