Masturbate Often Or Let It Build-Up?

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by MBX2000, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. MBX2000

    MBX2000 Members

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    I have found that when it comes to masturbating, there are two different ways that it can go over the long-term.

    Sometimes I hold-off from masturbating, let it build-up for a day or two between each time I cum. Unfortunately, It's almost like my body gets used to holding off, and I have to force myself to get horny via watching porn. It is very easy for me to cum at that point, very easy to edge myself, actually hard not to cum sometimes. When I orgasm, it feels amazing and I cum a LOT, but when I am done I am not horny at all for like an hour+ afterward, and usually feel like taking a nap.

    Sometimes I masturbate a LOT, and allow myself to cum several times or more each day. When I do this over several days, it's like my body gets used to being horny all the time. All I can think about is sex and masturbating, even from the very first minute that I wake up in the morning. I actually get more horny than I do even while masturbating after holding off. The downside is that from cumming so much, I cum MUCH less each time, and my orgasms aren't nearly as intense either. Thankfully it only takes me about 5 minutes to get horny again afterward.

    So it's sort of a choice between being horny all day and having multiple small orgasms, or holding off for a while and occasionally having one large orgasm. The large orgasm feels amazing but I simply don't ever get as horny after I hold off as I do when I masturbate a lot.

    This is a factor also when leading up to me having a visit with a friend. Sometimes I like to hold off on masturbating the days before so that I will have the biggest cum load possible ready to go, but it sucks not really feeling horny anymore after that first time I cum, especially if I'm the first to orgasm. If I masturbate a lot before our visit, it will usually make me more horny and able to cum multiple times, but each time I will cum less and the orgasms won't be as intense. For some, the amount that I cum is a very big deal.

    I'm just curious if for others it comes down to this choice when masturbating. What compromises have you found to work best? How often do you try to cum? Do you put more emphasis on how horny you are before and after you cum or how good your orgasm feels?

    Thank you for any help or advice that you are able to give! :)
  2. JL0006

    JL0006 Members

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    Personally, I go for letting it build up. I'll fantasize and masturbate a bit for a few days without cumming, denying myself the payoff, and then edge for an hour on the sessions when I finally do let it go. I'd much rather have only one or two ejaculations a week, and need a crowbar afterward to get my toes uncurled, than to have several little ones that do little other than to get my urges cooled off.
  3. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    I recommend you masturbate without cumming for 2-7 days and then do a long session when you can cum, but make sure that you take your time to allow your self on that reward day to cum as much as you can (twice, three times or as much as you can go).

    A great practice that would benefit you and your penis is to let a partner masturbate you on that day that you will allow your self to cum. If you have no girlfriend or a friend you may hire a masseuse or a hooker for 3 hours or half a day or a whole night to give you a penis massage and masturbate you.
  4. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  5. joelucas69

    joelucas69 Members

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    I've found that if I go several days with jacking off without cumming, I sometimes will have some very erotic dreams at night, to the point of cumming while sleeping. So I wake up with messy underwear and bed sheets. But if I can make it several nights without cumming, then when I do finally allow myself to cum with masturbation, the amount of cum is a lot more and the orgasm is more intense. But I don't find that's it's more difficult to get erect or have an orgasm whether I masturbate daily or less frequently.
  6. JL0006

    JL0006 Members

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    Agreed - more cum, more intense, more enjoyment if I wait several days (the condition I'm in right now, in fact). However, I more or less never have wet dreams, even if I edge myself right to the brink and then go to sleep without ejaculating. But in my case, it actually is more difficult if I go for for two cums in a day, or three over a weekend. By the third time, sometimes I have to hammer away at it for quite a while to get the desired effect. Not that I mind, or anything!
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  7. hitman73

    hitman73 Member

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    I have to do it more frequently. I couldnt think of anything else after 2 days!
  8. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    The orgasm is so much better if one lets it build up.
  9. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    I have found that I jerk off when I am horny and am able to do so privately.
  10. slickbbb

    slickbbb Members

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  11. slickbbb

    slickbbb Members

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    What is 'a lot', and how do you go about masterbating it?;)
  12. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    Letting it build up sounds like torture to me....I just blast one or two out whenever I feel the urge.
  13. Justforher2

    Justforher2 Members

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    Build up at least 4 or 5 times over 3 hour period. It's a lot more intens !
  14. markthehannah

    markthehannah Members

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    Oh I'll always choose letting it build up. The increase in orgasm intensity is amazing.
  15. Naked

    Naked Member

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    For me most of the time, I let it build up over a few days. Occasionally though I'll get a week where I'm masturbating every day at least once.
  16. doytal

    doytal Guest

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    It's great to let it build up, to a point. The problem is for me it's always been only 3 or 4 days that are comfortable. After a truly ball draining orgasm everything feels so light and free down there. I'm fine the first and second day after, then on the third I start to notice my package more. My balls that were light and tight the first two days are starting to hang lower, heavier. Thoughts start to turn toward horny again. By the night of the third day I can feel my semen in my glands, they are filling, pleasantly so, my penis spends the time before sleep plump but not erect. By day four I awake and my balls and seminal vesicles and prostate are full and as I pee I can feel my "load" at the base of my penis, loaded, ready to be shot out. By the end of day four the dull ache of blue balls begins low in my groin, like my balls too heavy and need support. Every day after that is the same only I start to lose semen during peeing or bowel movements or straining. If I cum on the first two days, it is not intense and the fluid is light and clear. If I cum on the third day things are great. Great feelings, great volume, just the right consistency. If I cum days after, it feels good, but there is so much it's hard to pump it all out. That being said, masturbation is always different than being with a woman. There is just something about pointing your member at a waiting cervix that makes every drop of semen come out. She knows she's been creampied at that point and it's great. And the cycle starts again.
  17. hitman73

    hitman73 Member

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    I know i have already commented but i just wank when i feel the need, it doesnt work on anyone elses timetable
  18. texasshooter76

    texasshooter76 Members

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    I edge several times daily and let myself cum about once a week. It is so well worth it. When you edge and don't cum your body is always "ready for action" and your testosterone levels remain high. Everything is so sensitive. It is totally worth it and highly recommend it to those who have never done so.


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    i do not remember a single day without masturbating for the past 50 years. I masturbate daily. I do not wait for it to build up. What is the pleasure in life if we do not masturbate every day.
  20. markthehannah

    markthehannah Members

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    Um, a bigger orgasm?

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