What do you guys think. Is masterbating with someone cheating? No touching the other person. Just two people masterbating in the same room. Im just curious I think not. It would not be any differnt than watching porn.
I’m not sure but I think so. I think just touching another person’s private parts sexually is cheating in of itself. But hey if you do don’t get caught at least or tell anyone
I was talking to a friend the other day and this topic came up just wondering what other peoples thoughts are.
I see depends on the partner like if they don’t mind you with another person then I think it’s fine but if it’s a closed relationship then probably is cheating.
How can I put this, like if you were in a closed relationship would you want your partner showing his penis to other women? Or if you were dating a female. Same case depends on the relationship I’d say
It is absolutely a type of cheating. Becouse you are doing with somebody who you know her, so, it means you share with some one else mentality. If you like to be with other women it is better to fuck fer than doing mutual masturbating.
To answer the OP's question, no it is not cheating IMO. Using a live body for stimulation is no different than watching porn.
How can you say to your wife " I love you" while you are sitting in front of another woman to masturbate together!!!. If your wife is present and masturbates with you guys that fine otherwise it is cheating. On the other hand, if your wife masturbates with another man, what do you say, it is not cheating!
Yes, it is so pleasured even more than real fucking, because when you are masturbating in front of a woman, you imagine how is fine if I can fuck her. So, you enjoy watching her while enjoying your imagination. But still, it is cheating.
Depends on the individual really....personally i don't think it is cheating and would have no problem with it if either my wife or myself did this.However there would be plenty of people who have the opposite view
If I'm in a room with a woman, it'll probably be classified as cheating although no contact because it would be a sexual act with another woman. If in room with another guy and we're watching porn, it would likely be weird.
I think it really depends on the relationship that person has with their significant other. In many cases, it could be considered "emotional" cheating, even if there isn't any emotional attachment with that other person. But you could consider it like porn, too. Especially, if it's done via video chat and such. I suppose it just depends on the type of relationship.
If I had a wank with someone, other than my wife, in a room and we didn't touch each other, I would not see it as cheating. But I don't know if my wife would think it was ok. It would depend on who the wank was with. If it was with a guy, she couldn't care less.
It pushes the envelope but I don’t consider it cheating. For most of us our hand is our oldest and most loyal lover.