Mass murderer Richard Speck converted into a pseudo woman in prison.

Discussion in 'People' started by Sinead 1965, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    What comes around goes around, Richard Speck killed and raped innocent girls. In the end he suffered the same fate. He hated "loose women" what did he do.He did he best to become one.He was a Redneck and probably didn't like black folk, but yet that's who was fucking him. But why would they want to turn Richard Speck into a woman? He was ugly. He converted into a pseudo woman. He was forced into this by the other prisoners and had to forfeit his manhood to survive. Do you think that when he was being filmed, he feigned enjoyment over his transgender, because if he knew that if he that did anything counter to this that inmate would have kicked his ass ? He had a male dominant personality, like those abusive men who beat their wives on the Maury Povich show!! He thought women were beneath him!

    Speck was NOT gay! He HAD to give up his manhood to survive in prison. I don't think he was a real happy camper tho.that would be a miserable,miserable existence. Even if he really was gay, that would be miserable. His man told him to take off his pants and he did it, no questions ask.I wonder how many times a day that happened.He single handily ruined Statesville penitentiary with that video.They cracked down on the Prisoners so hard they couldn't piss without being watched.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Meliai and eggsprog like this.
  3. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    I think this is Specks worst nightmare come true. I just read the book about his crime and life and he prided himself as a tough guy, ladies man. Having to resort to this was probably his only way to survive in prison. Think about the guys that did this to him or what he did to survive around them. That is some sick shit. Maybe they're not as bad as him or didn't do what he did, but this is truly some of the worst of humanity. Humiliation is certainly one way to punish a person for her/his crimes. Especially Specks crimes.the man was punished beyond anyone's nightmares. Waking up everyday knowing that he would be doing sick disgusting things to men. But again, Certainly Deserving! Fuck him, he had 0 remorse for slaughtering innocent girls with their whole lives ahead of them.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'd rather not think about it though. Shits fucked up. Fuck that.
    McFuddy likes this.
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    On June 28, 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court(citing their June 3, 1968 decision in Witherspoon v. Illinois) upheld Speck's conviction but reversed his death sentence, because more than 250 potential jurors were unconstitutionally excluded from his jury because of their conscientious or religious beliefs against capital punishment.[5][54] The case was remanded back to the Illinois Supreme Court for re-sentencing.

    Should have got the death penalty
  6. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    I think Speck had always considered himself a manly man, although of course, he was just the opposite. But in the end, for 25 years, he was owned by other men. But he deserved that fate. For brutally raping, torturing and killing 8 women for no reason. He himself took hormones to look like a woman. He is looking for the black man's approval and his body language says he doesn't even like him.... even a little tiny bit. And when he was snorting the coke, it looks as if he was getting a little tiny bit of it, as if he was scared to get more, you can see when he tried to taste some with his finger, the guy took it from him and he kissed his legs like, 'thanks for not slapping me". Or maybe he did, or he was begging for it, cause he was wipping his eyes....
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    its prison.. who fucking cares.

    think shim is going to manhandle a bunch of bull dikes in a women's prison.. lmao
  8. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    A friend of my parents was sent to a maximum security prison. During a fight he started with his neighbor, the neighbor's wife somehow got caught up in the fight and his body knocked her over by accident. She hit her head on the ground and died later.

    When he first got booked, the inmates asked him what he was in for. He didn't wanna say, but they threatened him. He fessed up and said manslaughter. This is because the inmate hierarchy in prisons is a very real thing. He said that rapists and child molesters are at the bottom of that hierarchy, just like in the movies.

    This challenges the whole notion as to whether or not we are living in a "rape culture" or not. Plenty of shrill activists and feminists will say that there is a rape culture that is promoted throughout the country. But I would ask them, "If there's a rape culture in our society, then how come rapists have the worst time in prison? A place where the worst people usually wind up."
  9. Maybe because the toughest people usually aren't rapists and pedophiles.
  10. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    With people like him, I would put them all in the same cell, put a trough of swill in the middle and let them get on with it.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'd just shoot em.
    Why the fuck do we waste money on keeping cunts alive that won't ever see a life outside of a prison anyway? It's retarded.

    Life in prison?
    Bang. Charge the family 10c for the bullet, Move on.
  12. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    This footage of Speck is from 1988 when he was 46 or 47. He died in 1991. Heart attack.
  13. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    He used Hormones to make his breasts grow, wore women’s panties, and gave blow jobs on command.

    While it must have been incredibly degrading, it kept him alive in prison and he died from natural causes.
  14. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    Richard Speck must have been banged so many times that he wished he had gotten the death penalty. His rack is bigger then mine. I’m flat, I’m not the most gifted in that area. It was ironic that he became what he claimed to hate in order to survive. Dead nurses gone. Families destroyed because of his evil.
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I get the feeling this is actually exciting for you. Does anybody else get that feeling? I've associated his name and this fascination of being banged by inmates.. Not that I'm putting you down or anything I mean we all have our kinks.
  16. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yep something is not quite right

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Yep......Something Is Not Quite Right..... :D

    Cheers Glen.
  18. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    I have never been with a man sexually and don't want to be at all. Nothing against men but they just don't do it for me. I don't want to appear more feminine.The reality is I love women. I love the way they dress, their attention to detail when they put on makeup or do their nails. I love dark red lipstick, blood red nails, silky smooth stockings,satin and silk clothes, short skirts and high heels. I don't find men physically attractive and never have, not even the 'hot' ones. I feel immensely attracted even standing next to tall,curvy, feminine women. It's been a pattern since I was a teenager.

    At the age of around 26 Richard Speck already looked like an old man.I don't know who are more insane. Speck or the guys who actually manage to fuck him/it in the ass. Just proves men in prison will fuck ANYTHING. They just don't give a shit. He got used and abused like a cheap prostitute with no vaseline .. this wasn't his plan but it was that or an early pine box no way he was gonna survive in there after murdering all those women. The actual video shows him sucking that black man dick and was used 1996 to show the Illinois state legislature how bad their prisons were.
  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    If the first paragraph is true, then why the second paragraph?

    You seem more focused on talking about guys sucking each other off than, in the case of this thread, Specks horrendous crimes.....and you give the impression you have the hitachi on its highest setting while doing it
    Orison likes this.
  20. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    Ok. I have never been with a man sexually and don't want to be at all and i don't find men physically attractive and never have but i admit i find it somewhat sexy that this man had to become a woman and become someone's bitch and suck dicks for 25 years. Why?

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