Anyone looking forward to the 4th Mass Effect? I'm playing through the classic trilogy right now. What do you want to see in the upcoming game?
I love the Mass Effect games. I am hoping for some ambiguous player decisions. Like the type that are not clearly "good" or "bad" but are in a gray area. I think that is much more realistic. I always play as a good guy but I want to be challenged to find the way to do that.
I for one would like if you could play as other races and experience the universe from different perspectives
I just finished playing the trilogy for the 4th or 5th time. I'm very much looking forward to ME4. I hope we get to see more of the universe, new aliens, maybe even be an alien. I'm just bummed because I have a 360 and it'll probably be on Xbox One and the PS4.
Yes, I'm looking forward to more paper-thin romances, shallow gameplay and walls of poorly written dialogue, as well as giving the most evil corporation in the world my money.
So I guess all the accolades and awards Bioware gets for the great storytelling and dialogue is all a myth or a figment of my imagination. Won't even mention the groundbreaking immersion they manage to achieve with the almost seamless transition from cut scenes to live action. Oh well, guess you can't make all the miserable, disgruntled, idealistic, unrealistic hippies happy. :mickey:
I only play ME1 and ME2. I just can't stand ME3, to many plot holes and the ending is one gaping one. Even with the Extended Cut, just ugh.
don't take it up with me, take it up with al the magazines, websites and numerous gaming communities that voted those games as some of the best ever. I've been playing computer games and rpg's since the days of Zork and have checked them all out, and I strongly agree with those awards. So when did you lose your job at EA?
Crap games that are not ready are released to meet a deadline. With the new councils it is easy to patch it later which in the old days was not an option. For example Battlefield 4 on the PS4 last year. I realize there was probably pressure for the game to be ready for the new PS4 but Then you pay $15 a piece for download content before the original glitches are fixed even. In the end it became a fun game thanks to the patches.
I've never played ME1, but I'm currently working through ME2 on the Xbox 360. I've got ME3 on the PC as it was a free gift from EA due to the SimCity debacle. Even though I'm playing on Casual, I still keep failing the missions - I'm just not very good at games with combat like this and I don't know why - give me a rhythm action or a platformer and I'll ace it... I'm enjoying the story though. It's got a lot more depth than I expected.
Mass Effect One is much better than the 3rd, and especially if you fell in love with mass effect 2, i think you may find you like it better than the 3rd as well. I remember playing through the first one and there's so much lore/history that it felt a little overwhelming, but after grasping the understanding of the universe and the aliens within in it, you really see how developed the original game is. Incredible storyline too, that actually goes directly to the sequel of the second game which you may love to replay, as the series allows you to progress your same character from the previous game.
Never played these series so far but I take all the positive stuff I heard about it as a recommendation!
I really enjoyed ME1 and ME2, I have yet to play ME3 even so it's been sitting on my shelf for over a year. I will get around to playing it soon. Does anyone know if the creators are currently working on ME4?
I cant believe I just read that EA is more evil than monsanto, wal mart, halliburton...and many others who I can maybe forgive because they are not as well known for being evil despite polluting and killing people for a dollar. Ea puts a product out and you choose to buy it or not that is hardly evil unless the product unkowingly gives you aids after using it.