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I think potatoes are horribly bland - the only way I like them are mashed with gravy, mmmmm. But even them I only eat like twice a year.
Seasoned and baked there's nothing bland about it anymore! Of course potatoes always need a pinch of salt too.
I'm interested what you found that makes them unhealthy (for a certain amount of people at least then). Because with all the bad stuff that's around and me paying a bit attention to it thought that I could always rely on at least potatoes to be solid and healthy nutrition for the masses
Basically, anyone who is overweight or obese (or has a history of being overweight or obese), which is around 66% of the US population, would be better off not eating potatoes. Because they're starchy and immediately converted to sugar within the body, they spike insulin levels and exacerbate metabolic issues where people make and store fat, as well as increase blood triglycerides. A person with a normal weight and metabolism probably does have have to worry so much. I would also say sweet potatoes are healthier than regular white potatoes.
i'll tromp in on this one in my usual blundering manor. all starches are a problem for anyone who is having a weight problem already. bread, potatoes, even my favorite noodles. these foods are fillers to go with and extend richer more intense neutriants. by themselves they have the problem of not satisfying what the body wants to eat for. the just fill the stomic. and not being readily useful, they become adipose rather then being burned as energy. since they don't satisfy by themselves when eating them, people tend to just keep eating more hoping for the satisfaction they don't give. (humans do this with a lot of other things too). anyway the smart thing, is NOT to keep eating more of the same thing you don't feel satisfied from eating, that will only make you fat whatever it is. what the body is trying to tell you is you need to eat SOMETHING ELSE also, not just more of the same, that isn't going to do you a damd bit of good to keep doing so. potatoes and tomatoes are both related to the nightshade family of plants which happen to be poisonous. which is probably why, in the middle ages, they weren't eaten. then ireland discovered you could eat potatoes and their economy went to hell. then idaho discovered people were ignorant and didn't care and you could sell them.