So here's a pic of my test kit....tested two different samples of 'MDMA'. The color reaction was a reddish orange color that, according to the chart is Amphetamine with possibly a hint of Methamphetamine. I know for a fact that both produce an awesome roll...Is this because these substances are bases used in MDMA? I was told (about result) that is a molecule difference that keeps it from testing pure MDMA. Any thoughts?
imo you have the wrong test want a purity kit for mdma molecule will not show up on the kit you have....imo
Not to sound mean but are you new to MDMA? I ask because if you think meth is producing a good roll you are not rolling. Your test kit is not wrong and you should not be seeing those colors. MDMA is similar to those two drugs in chemical structure so in a way they do produce similar effects. Although real MDMA is regarded by many to be a much better high and safer. Meth is not a base in MDMA production and at no point when making MDMA will you have meth, The meth is there because it is much cheaper and easier to make than MDMA and it gets you high. Whoever told you about the one molecule thing is incorrect. The kit is fine I think. The drawback is that if even a small amount of a sample is MDMA is tests positive for MDMA. So if I am a shady dealer I make it mostly meth which as I mentioned is easier to come by and put just a hint of MDMA in it. People like OP think it is good and I make TONS of money. Watch to see how fast you see a color change. You should see MDMA in a few seconds if it takes longer that's a good sign there is other shit in there.
Ok...Thank goodness for these forums! The color change was fast and much closer to the Amphetamine...a much brighter reddish-orange. I'm fairly new to the experience, but I mostly roll with a crowd that has been doing it for years.
Well it's the same as it has always been, everyone says they have MDMA few people do. The thing is now there are so many other MDMA like chemicals that are cheap and easy to come by. I would say around 2008, 2009 all these other chemicals got big. Order them legally on the internet and sell at huge profits. Meth is nothing new though that has been used as a MDMA substitute since the beginning.
I'm glad i decided to purchase a testing kit. Its good information even though I've had wonderful experiences with this particular blend...incredible feelings of euphoria and practically no negative after effect. I have always respected the euphoric power of these chemicals and measured my doses based on my tolerance.
It's good that you have a marquis testing kit, while it may not be the best to differentiate the exact proportions of what you have or even all of what you have, a $5-10 marquis test is more practical than $10,000 + GC/MS testing equipment. MDMA will turn purple/black quick if it's legit MDMA, the base stuff regarding Meth is nonsense as unfocusedanakin said. Aside from both producing a rush, I didn't find tweaking very similar to rolling, so I too would question if you have had legit MDMA or perhaps what you currently have is some mix of various drugs or something. Thinking more in regards to meth rather than amp, I found the after effects kinda brutal, particularly the jaw grinding. But drugs affect people differently.