Republican North Carolina lieutenant governor Mark Robinson frequented porn sites, where between 2008 and 2012 he wrote that he enjoyed watching transgender pornography; referred to himself as a “black NAZI!”; called for reinstating human enslavement and wrote, “I would certainly buy a few”; called the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a “f*cking commie bastard”; wrote that he preferred Adolf Hitler to former president Barack Obama; referred to Black, Jewish, Muslim, and gay people with slurs; said he doesn’t care about abortions (“I don’t care. I just wanna see the sex tape!” he wrote); and recounted that he had secretly watched women in the showers in a public gym as a 14-year-old. Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck of CNN, who broke the story, noted that “CNN is reporting only a small portion of Robinson’s comments on the website given their graphic nature.” After the first story broke, Natalie Allison of Politico broke another: that Robinson was registered on the Ashley Madison website, which caters to married people seeking affairs. Robinson is running for governor of North Carolina. He has attacked transgender rights, called for a six-week abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, mocked survivors of school shootings, and—after identifying a wide range of those he saw as enemies to America and to “conservatives”—told a church audience that “some folks need killing.” Republican voters knew who Robinson was, and they chose him anyway. Indeed, his behavior is not all that different from that of a number of the Republican candidates in this cycle, including former president Trump.." Heather Cox Richardson Bombshell Report Says GOP Candidate Mark Robinson Called Self ‘Black Nazi’ On Porn Site North Carolina Republican candidate for governor Mark Robinson called himself ‘black Nazi’ – report Bombshell Report Says GOP Candidate Mark Robinson Called Self ‘Black Nazi’ On Porn Site
Robinson is truly a danger to society. My fave is the commercial where they show him belching out the abortion problem is that women "won't keep thay skirt down.." How could any woman vote for him??
In comments dating back to 2018, Robinson regularly labeled abortion as “murder” and “genocide,” comparing the anti-abortion movement to the abolitionist movement to end slavery. He also speculated that the founders of Planned Parenthood were satanists who practiced witchcraft. Robinson characterized women who undergo abortions, even if they are just “24 hours pregnant,” as murderers. “Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”“I would love to see abortion outlawed, make no qualms about that. I don’t believe in abortion under any circumstances" “For me, there is no compromise on abortion. It makes no difference to me why or how that child ended up in that womb” “If I had all the power right now, let’s say I was the governor and had a willing legislature, we could pass a bill saying you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.” Also Mark Robinson: Robinson's wife obtained an abortion in 1989, paid for by Mark Robinson. In December 2010, Robinson said he did not care about a celebrity having an abortion. “I don’t care. I just wanna see the sex tape!” Also Mark Robinson: “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.” “The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his.” "Republican voters knew who Robinson was, and they chose him anyway." Heather Cox Richardson “He is the Republican Party writ large.” Steven Greene, North Carolina State University political science professor "The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in this election is stark..."
"Ashley Madison website" That was funny when that leaked the boss at work at the time was a real jerk and just for the heck of it I checked and he was on that site and I told a few people it spread fast everyone at work was talking about what a jerk he was and knew.
Wow; that's incredibly cowardly and malicious! The only reason Robinson's account on a dating site for people cheating on their spouses is of any interest is because Robinson is a public figure, a sanctimonious Fundamentalist Christian Nationalist preacher running for Governor with an unhealthy interest in other people's sex lives, a mean streak a mile wide, and who feels that he has the Christo-Fascist right to be the arbiter of public morality for the rest of us; someone who openly advocates for the violent persecution of people who don't conform to his rigid, patriarchal, binary, and authoritarian worldview, and explicitly promises if elected to use the power of the State to inflict his hate-filled theology upon all of us. Doxxing someone like your boss in the manner you describe is vindictive, cruel, and displays a complete lack of boundaries and a malicious lack of concern over the personal and public consequences to your victim of publicizing private information that's none of your goddamned business. You're an asshole. You should be ashamed of yourself.
It is easy for us to sit and post comments on HF, but who promotes and elects these idiots. If Adolf Hitler was reincarnated, it would be all to easy for history to repeat itself.
"It reflects a systemic problem that has been growing in the U.S. since the 1980s. Democracy depends on at least two healthy political parties that can compete for voters on a level playing field. Although the men who wrote the Constitution hated the idea of political parties, they quickly figured out that parties tie voters to the mechanics of Congress and the presidency. And they do far more than that. Before political thinkers legitimized the idea of political opposition to the king, disagreeing with the person in charge usually led to execution or banishment for treason. Parties allowed for the idea of loyal and legitimate opposition, which in turn allowed for the peaceful transition of power. That peaceful exchange enabled the people to choose their leaders and leaders to relinquish power safely. Parties also create a system for criticizing people in power, which helps to weed out corrupt or unfit leaders. But those benefits of a party system depend on a level political playing field for everyone, so that a party must constantly compete for voters by testing which policies are most popular and getting rid of the corrupt or unstable leaders voters would reject. In the 1980s, radical Republican leaders set out to dismantle the government that regulated business, provided a basic social safety net, promoted infrastructure, and protected civil rights. But that system was popular, and to overcome the majority who favored it, they began to tip the political playing field in their direction. They began to suppress voting by Democrats by insisting that Democrats were engaging in “voter fraud.” At the same time, they worked to delegitimize their opponents by calling them “socialists” or “communists” and claiming that they were trying to destroy the United States. By the 1990s, extremists in the party were taking power by purging traditional Republicans from it. And yet, voters still elected Democrats, and after they put President Barack Obama into the White House in 2008, the Republican State Leadership Committee in 2010 launched Operation REDMAP, or Redistricting Majority Project. The plan was to take over state legislatures so Republicans would control the new district maps drawn after the 2010 census, especially in swing states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It worked, and Republican legislatures in those states and elsewhere carved up state maps into dramatically gerrymandered districts. In those districts, the Republican candidates were virtually guaranteed election, so they focused not on attracting voters with popular policies but on amplifying increasingly extreme talking points to excite the party’s base. That drove the party farther and farther to the right. By 2012, political scientists Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein warned that the Republican Party had “become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.” At the same time, the skewed playing field meant that candidates who were corrupt or bonkers did not get removed from the political mix after opponents pounced on their misdeeds and misstatements, as they would have been in a healthy system. Social media poster scary lawyerguy noted that the story about Robinson will divert attention from the lies about Haitian immigrants eating pets, which diverted attention from Trump’s abysmal debate performance, which diverted attention from Trump’s filming a campaign ad at Arlington National Cemetery. When a political party has so thoroughly walled itself off from the majority, there are two options. One is to become full-on authoritarian and suppress the majority, often with violence. Such a plan is in Project 2025, which calls for a strong executive to take control of the military and the judicial system and to use that power to impose his will. The other option is that enough people in the majority reject the extremists to create a backlash that not only replaces them, but also establishes a level playing field." Heather Cox Richardson
Why would anyone claim to be a black Nazi when everyone knows Hitler and the Nazis hated black people? What's next, someone comes along and claims to be a Jewish Nazi?
It's very disturbing, but it's also disturbing to me that a person's ostensibly private online activity isn't actually private.
That was on Them Magazine this morning. Anti-LGBTQ+ GOP Candidate Mark Robinson Expressed an Affinity for Trans Porn, CNN Reports