Marijuana Growing Issue (outdoors)

Discussion in 'Cannabis Outdoors' started by mattfrank07, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. mattfrank07

    mattfrank07 Guest

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    I have 2 questions.
    1. I am growing marijuana outdoors and have a few plants currently in solo beer cups. It is going to rain constantly for the next 2 days and i want to know if my plants will be alright indoors without sunlight for those 2 days. When they are planted in the ground this won't matter, but for now I want to know what can happen.

    2. How big should I let my plants grow before transplanting them into the ground?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    they will get droopy .. For a few days with no light, they can be dormant for a day or so, I wouldn't push it past 4 days in the dark..

    when it rains all day it can be dark outside in the daytime.. but UV plant light passes thru clouds and break in clouds.. milliseconds of sun and a plant wakes right up.. There should be no reason not to give them some time in the light, buy a CLF twisty fluorescent desk lamp if needed.. seedlings can chill under low lamps, but not for very long if you want them to grow..

    plants should have strong roots to be planted outside.

    Tallness has nothing to do with roots..
  3. mattfrank07

    mattfrank07 Guest

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    Thanks... Any tips to strengthening the roots?
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    let them grow longer under less intense lighting.. Intense lighting is good when you have potting for such.. But inside little cups, they may stretch to get intense lighting and just become top heavy.. Type of soil makes a difference too..

    Potting soil will root better than dirt from outside, that may be more rock and odd soil than that of the same medium..
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    roots grow when they are searching for water...a common mistake is to over water seedlings. .....if they stretch and droop over just use a twist tie with a little loop at one end...shove it in the soil to the side and bend it over so the loop holds up the seedling till it gets back in the sun...the light bulb is important..
    .look for ''replaces 250 watt'' in the new style cfl's..i think they are 80ish watts
  6. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    looser the soil..the easier the roots will search through it looking for h2o...perlite mixed in with sheep shit and potting soil...dont be afraid to use lotsa perlite but remember it holds a lot of water once it is in the soil....
  7. mattfrank07

    mattfrank07 Guest

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    One other thing... does anyone have an opinion on whether I should grow directly in the ground, or in pots slightly submerged in the ground, or just above the surface? Do plants grow more quickly in one than another? And how is yield affected by each of these?
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    pots restrict yield... ..the branches can only grow out as far as the roots grow out...potted plants are generally skinnier than hole not chince on the hole size or the soil you haul 5 gallon bucket sized hole[but wider]is the smallest you should go...make sure you also work and looden the soil below the hole and around its sides....leave the soil level lower than the ground lever[bowl]for watering...that way you can dump a shitload of water in seconds withiout waiting for it to soak in
  9. M4N14C42O

    M4N14C42O Cannabis Connoisseur

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    my yourself the trouble this year, do a lot of reading on outdoor growing, try next year with a way more solid plan......there is a lot of work involved in a successful outdoor grow. proper planning and preperation are key to pulling it all off.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    never put off tomorrow what you can do today.. I dread the days I carry a few plants to the woods. like yesterday, I hike really with a few gl plants. Nothing to heavy or uneasy to dispose of quickly.. Depends on where you live. I could plant today and tomorrow the land will be clear for development. I dont have the time really, to drive to far and its a high risk here. Its more feasible to carry loose soil dig, plant seeds and pray over them for real.. But Ive had tons of success on abandon plants and quick dig drop offs. Just leave them alone and remember where they are.. Some times been more rewarding that plants Ive visited and invested time in.
  11. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    i had a couple dozen bag seeds from a quarter-pound i bought a few months ago that i was planning on planting in some random spots around here, but i lost the container with the seeds when i moved! ugh
  12. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    [​IMG] noms..
  13. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    m4n....really?...i disagree in a friendly way....trial and gotta get your hands in the soil........this morning i went to check some honeys in the woods..5 containers that i left there to deal with this morning were toppled and mauled by some fucking rodent...or even a bear...hopefully not an angry hunter or popo...i had to snap a tree to get my vehicle by cause we had a windstorm...i got bit to smithereens by various not wear shorts or short sleeeves..even if its will regret it....bug spray..the good kind...water to drink...and i wish someone had told me the first time to take 5 gallons of water in each hand and walk as far as you can...then...plant half that distance from the water cause you WILL be sweating your ass off carrying minimum 100 hundred gallons per plant over the summer....dont fucking tell any one...they WILL rip you off........I will rip you off if you tell dont tell any one
  14. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    Whatever. We have choppers that fly here. We have to be extra careful.
  15. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    whats with the ''whatever''...did you think us back woods canadians just get to roam around and do whatever we want to in our igloo towns with out the popo looking ?....
    the o in opp stands for ontario..thats where i live..
  16. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    i spent a few hours today doing maintenance.....wiped frog eggs off of a couple dozen the horse flies or deer flies as they are known,made an appearance with a vengeance...they dont hurt when they bite but they are huge and gross and creepy to the max...they land on the lens of eyeglasses...its a bit freaky to see a 3 quarter inch fly with fangs just mm's away from your eye

    ...pulled my first boy always hurts to yank a plant and toss it in the swamp...last year i yanked a 7 footer that turned out to be boy.,...saw a few that are definite girls..the plan with those is to quickly chop them in half...the top half will be a new plant and the bottom half will grow 2 stalks out of the not cut below the 3rd node..........another common rookie mistake is the fear of trimming your plant so that it will ''bush out''......many people believe that trimming sends a plant into shock...this can happen but my experience is that it usually does not...i have only ever seen one plant that shocked into a hermy..............

    popo disclaimer...i am making this all up for entertainment purposes...none of it is true
  17. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    i wish i lived somewhere where i had forest to plant in. i'd have to drive a pretty good distance to get out of the way enough.
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    most my clothing is light, or pajama style camo clothing.. the only thing thats mandatory are ear plugs. While this removes the sound from the woods its not that big a deal. The issue with gnats flying into your ears can really be more annoying than any biting insect.. / skeeter repellent on clothes, not on skin..
  19. mattfrank07

    mattfrank07 Guest

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    If I transplant into the ground, would I be alright if the roots exceeded my soil and went into the dirt surrounding my hole? Also, what would be a good soil to use for in-ground growing that could be bought at a common home improvement store such as Lowe's or Home Depot?
  20. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    them big bags of 40lb soil in the corrals outdoors right now!!! Organic Top soil, get some Peat too..

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