Marijuana and panic attacks....Important.

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Swat30, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    damn, that sounded straight out of a psychology textbook, lol

    Anyways, yeah, you're probably just smoking way too much. Like it's been said, smoke a bowl, wait a few minutes and see how you feel. The high doesn't hit right away so just chill out for a bit and let it happen. There probably won't be any need to smoke another bowl (some people have tolerance built up so they have to, but you, as an occasional, reletively inexperienced smoker, won't have any).

    This all depends on the quality of your weed of course, if it's schwag you'll have to smoke relatively more, if it's dank, you'll want to smoke less.
  2. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    My uncle makes a good point after reviewing this board...

    To say you can overdose on THC is True.. but not true at the same time. it's like saying weed causes cancer(granted there's more tar in pot than tab, but it hasn't been proven that it causes cancer)

    In the real world, you can overdose on anything. Sunlight, CO2, Alcohol, and even water!

    Man dies of skin cancer,man dies from suffocation, man dies from drowning.

    You're using overdose improperly as a word. Overdose implies a lethal or toxic dosage. a dosage over the recommended amount.
    The maker of this board did not smoke an excessive amount of weed. nor did he take a toxic or lethal amount of it... he merely had adverse side effects from weed.. as you would from anything in life... especially if there's psychological disorders to back it up.

    "Nobody has ever died, from Cannabis. You can not find a case in the world literature"
    -Dr. Lester Grinspoon. Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
  3. crummyrummy

    crummyrummy Brew Your Own Beer Lifetime Supporter

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    AI very small level of pot caused me panic and anxiety attacks there fore I quit smoking.
  4. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    Maybe it wasn't the pot, more just the idea that you were doing something "illegal" and you could've been caught for it.

    Pot has not been proven to "Cause" anything except the munchies.
  5. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    bob bong, i was merely pointing out that you called someone dumb for mentioning something that, while by their intention was probably not ture, but is actually an issue more complex than the simple overdose = death thinkning. I understand that most people dont refer to overdose in the way I have used, but since when as the majority had the most correct and useful definitions of terms?

    Overdosing on most chemicals leads to death. Therefor most people relate the term to death, and its street definition prety much includes death, but i was pointing out that this is not the case, since you called that dude dumb, bringing the truth in as an issue and not semantics of words. overdosing on heroin doesnt always kill, though it can. people always seem to see overdosing as a far off concept, that if you dont take enough to die then you wont overdose. but this isnt true, death is simply the result of most drug overdoses because the brain is so fragile. weed overdose jsut doesnt kill, probably because it effects more subjective parts of the brain and not really critical functions.
  6. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    oh and just because you can overdose on anything doesnt make overdosing less real
  7. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    We all know here that THC is non-toxic. That said, Bill did not use the word incorrectly. Overdose just means going over a normal safe dose. Lethal overdose is the term used when the overdose kills. But overdose doesn't have to be lethal to be an overdose. If you smoke more than you are ready for, more than you know what to do with and have a bad experience because of it, you can rightly call it an overdose, if only a mild one.

    I'm sick of everyone here saying "well, pot doesn't CAUSE anything, just brings out what's there" or "pot doesn't cause cancer." Get over it. We know it's a very safe thing, but if you smoke weed then have a mental breakdown or a panic attack, it's safe to say the pot caused it. And any smoke inhaled can cause cancer, if you inhale enough.

    Marijuana causes a change in mental activity, this is usually positive but can sometimes be negetive. Stop acting like this powerfully psychoactive drug is always a positive happy thing, because it isn't. If we can't be honest with ourselves about marijuana, how can we expect the public at large?
  8. harshhookah

    harshhookah Member

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    Ahmen to that. Now that someone has pinpointed the main problem with marijuana, (its ability to deceive many people,) you can more closely understand the effects of it. Maybe your panic attacks are a sign from God that you don't need pot to be happy with yourself.
  9. crummyrummy

    crummyrummy Brew Your Own Beer Lifetime Supporter

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    I had been smoking pot for 11 years at that point youngster.
    I had served time twice for drug offences, got 5 and 1/2 years for possesion of lsd for sale the last time, although I served less than 3 months of that. I had been out of high school longer than you were in high school when I started getting my panic attacks. My Fear was real and I dont need a federally exempted study to tell me what I felt. for 7 months, 100% of my highs resulted in anxiety or panic attacks. Guess when they stopped. when I quit smoking. you still wanna talk down to me?
  10. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    I think it's safe to say,
    Some people just shouldn't smoke pot... or do any kind of mind altering drugs for that matter, especially if you know it's going to bother you.

    Talk down to you? I don't believe i was...but don't think you've experienced something ground breaking by serving time.. if anything that's your own stupidity (especially if you're selling LSD)
    I STILL do not agree with the way "Overdose" is being used in this thread. This person had direct adverse effects possibley CAUSED by weed, but he/she did not overdose

    I'm not stupid, I know not all Od's result in death. i've had a few friends that have had the unfortunate pleasure of Od'ing, i was even present for ya, i DO know the definition of overdose.

    But to say that what you experienced was a direct result of an "Overdose" of weed, is ridiculous. Someone with your circumstances could overdose on one toke, let alone a joint or 2. The word was used correctly by Bill, This specific person probably consumed more mind altering drug then they should have...for all we know this person shouldn't be doing any kind of drugs at all.

    i'll give you example, I could smoke 3-4 grams a day and never reach a point where i feel i've overdosed.
    mary jane down the street, could take one hit...have a panic attack and go to the hospital. mary jane will have felt that she "overdosed" on weed...I would swear up and down that she didn't... why? because the amount she took was simply not toxic. she had something happen because of the effect of it, just as you could get hit by a bus crossing the street in the middle of winter because of the snow on the ground. did snow kill them? no .. something happened because of the snow..

    I think the problem here is that the word "overdose" was generalized for marijuana.. when infact we all know you simply can't overdose on it.
    the way i see this, this person did "overdose" not because they injested to much weed... but because they injested something that they possible shouldn't have injested to begin with?


    p.s Nobody is dumb here, just misunderstood
  11. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    That's right Lotus, you did overdose, and for this i think everyone here is greatly sympathetic... especially because it was weed.

    The point i'm simply trying to make is that what maybe considered an "Overdose" may be just the specific effects from that drug on that specific person. Granted, not everyone experiences the same things ... but just because you experienced something bad as a result of something.. doesn't mean you overdosed.

    You Can Not Overdose With Marijuana. There simply is not a toxic enough level.
    But that's not to say you can't have a bad trip when on weed...lots of people have, and lots of people will..
  12. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    you can "overdose" on asprin by simply taking more than what's recommended on the side of the bottle. that could be 3..4 or 25 asprins. I get bad migrains from previous concussions, sometimes i take 3 asprin... I guess i overdose..
  13. balko

    balko Member

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    Our bodies are all different. It's a lot of things that affect that, and we cannot change it. My friend has tried LSD like 6 times and not tripped, but off about 3 of those times he tried some of his friends tripped off the same shit.

    So some of us can smoke pot and be 'happy' and feel the normal high. Others have panic attacks, and I bet there are people who can't even get high...
  14. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    Cheers, lotus.

    It's always better to smoke with someone anyway :D
  15. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    Bob how can you keep saying that you cant overdose but also keep accepting that you can?

    over dose doesnt mean going over the dose reccomended on the packet, theyre completely different. The dosage on the packets are meant to keep you far from overdosing.

    You keep forgetting that the fact that the overdose preobably occured due to psychological illness is irrelevant, the only thing that is relevant in any overdose case is that the effects came on due to the substance (ie, without the substance, the effects wouldnt have happened) and that they are adversely affecting to the point where the pros are outweighted by the cons.
  16. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    Ok, this talk about overdose is kind of stupid. What are we bickering about? It's hard to talk about OD with marijuana because it's so subjective, the OD is mostly a mental effect. So all we're bickering about is where we personally draw the line between a bad trip and a REALLY bad trip. It doesn't really matter, let's just call it a bad experience and be done with it.
  17. Bob_Bong

    Bob_Bong Member

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    That's what i say,

    The use of overdose in this thread is ridiculous.

    This thread is ridiculous.
    I'm done.
  18. orgasmicbike

    orgasmicbike Member

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    overdosing on drugs is over rated.. people should know when they have had enough..
  19. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    yeah When i first started smoking i got that panic feeling. You might have built this fear about it considering your first time was rather intense
  20. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I would try not to smoke as much.

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