I was on my own, and it was a Friday night some 53 years ago. I was bar-hopping on my own as usual, and the bars were located in downtown Toronto. One by one, I would enter, have a look, and perhaps buy a stubby brown bottle of beer then leave. I was, to be honest, looking for sex. One of these bars had a set of stairs and a railing that made the entrance into the bar difficult. This fellow just ahead of me stopped short, and I bumped into him. I said sorry, and he said that it was alright. He flashed me a smile and a wink. Confused, I said nothing. Making his way into the bar, he passed a guy going out and, in a very aggressive tone, said to the guy that I bumped into - Why are you looking at my crotch? Are you Queer or something? By that time, there were people between them, and nothing happened. I was so turned on that my loins ached. I did nothing, confused, I left. Later in the evening, I went looking for this man, but I did not find him. I think I would have sex with him, Now, I have never felt that level of emotion before or after. I have never had a relationship with a man and have always been with a woman. Am I bi-sexual or that night was I just plain horney.
Men who are not particularly interested in sex and who are not particularly curious are often content with the recommended sexual behaviour and end up in marriage. At most, they think about other women who are more attractive. Men with a strong sexual interest soon ask themselves: “Women, is that it? What about the other half of the population to which women are more or less attracted?” And those who are not particularly obedient also try out these possibilities so as not to miss out on anything. That is why today's bisexuals are known to be particularly sexually active. Substantial genital arousal to female and male bodies is the best indicator of bisexuality. The essential question is not “Who am I” but “What do I want?” If you are happy with one language, there is no need to complicate your life by learning another.