Hey, am always a bit weary of food trends, but it seems a lot of people rave about the benefits of honey, manuka honey specifically (Great for immune system, great for crones). This is really expensive to buy and am curious, is it really that much better than your ordinary honey, or is it hyped up?
Local honey is supposed to be good for seasonal allergies because you ingest some of the pollen, or something like that. Not sure how much I believe it, though. FYI - Crohn's, not crones.
Yeah I guess that kinda makes sense. And ah! Thought that's how I had spelled it. I know people get annoyed over spelling and grammar on here, but it's much more frustrating for the person making these mistakes (I should think).
I buy local organic honey....sometimes I get orange blossom and sometimes wildflower Honey masks (facials) are soo good too..... :daisy:
Manuka honey is spectacular. I read a lot about it before purchasing and highly recommend. I got stomach lesions about 6 months ago due to severe stress (several deaths as well as the collapse of a relationship with some direct family due to serous legal issues) causing me intense pain every time I ate. It reached a point where I had a serious problem eating ANY solid food. I am a huge naturalist and avoid taking medication and was on my last limbs trying to find SOMETHING that would help me. I started drinking a lot of tea daily and would put a spoonful of Manuka honey (rated at 15+ {you want to get the higher rating...they're more expensive but you will get better results}) in each cup and within 1 week I could eat normal food again and 2-3 weeks my stomach pains were completely gone. This is the one that I keep in my cabinet. I now only use it sparingly but it always eases intense stomach pains. I should also add that it is great for wounds. You can research this one but the sugar content attracts bacteria and basically brings it to the surface of the wound and literally drowns and smothers the bacteria. I've used it on a few serious wounds and it helps them heal twice as fast as Neosporin. This is all soley based on my experience. Do your own independent research and ask the employees about it at your local health food store. I'm sure they can help you even more. <3 Bunnie
What is so special about manuka honey? I do take local honey for allergies and I swear by it. I used to be severely congested a good 3 -4 months out of the year and I don't have allergies at all anymore.
Manuka honey is good, but really, any good quality, raw honey will do. Be advised that 75% of the honey sold at most grocery stores is so heavily processed that it contains NONE of the beneficial medicinal properties of quality, raw honey, so choose your honey wisely. Honey is good for so many things. Take a little before bed to help you get to sleep faster and sleep more soundly.
I've also been told by beekeepers to use honey for energy, not sure how it can both keep you awake and help you sleep haha.
I always use it for a flu, honey and lemon in hot water, sometimes with a bit of ginger if I have an upset tummy. That as well as with yoghurt and fruit for breakfast. Thanks for all the input, will be choosing my honey more carefully from now on
It's touted to have higher levels of antibacterial properties than regular raw honey. It's quite expensive though. The higher the MGO number on the container, the more active properties it has and the more expensive it is.
Certain foods make your brain work more effectively, both while awake and when sleeping. Coconut oil and MCT oil also provide you with energy while awake, but if you use them before bed they can help you fall alseep and sleep more soundly. It's less to do with a stimulant effect than it is overall brain function. Your brain uses a lot of energy while you sleep, and honey actually provides the brain with energy that is needed to maintain a restful sleep. It's also great for calming your adrenals, which also helps one get to sleep faster and stay asleep. Just Google "honey, sleep."
Now suffering from hayfever! Got some local honey in, anything else that helps? Was wondering about garlic, that's a natural antihistamine right? Hate taking tablets.