Mandatory Consent Classes

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Fueled by Coffee, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Ever since I first learned that such establishment institutions are doing mandatory sexual consent classes and lectures, a question has come to mind: If a potential rapist was really thinking about raping someone, and they were to sit down in a classroom being lectured by fembot gender studies professors who are teaching the class that putting a hand on a woman's leg is just a few steps away from violently raped (yes, these classes are as dumb as they sound). Would this deter the potential rapist from raping?

    For that matter, has ANY consent class ever discouraged a rapist from raping? Have they discouraged a sexual assault from ever happening? Has any class like this achieved anything other than make teenage men feel bad and more insecure about themselves, and teenage girls feel more paranoid of male peers?

    I was an 18 year old college freshmen not too long ago. So I've been to such lectures and I remember it all quite well. These lecturers are preaching toxic messages and lies to young guys and girls about rape. I recall them telling the same old "1 in 4 college females will be raped or sexually assaulted." This is a lie. That is closer to the rape statistics of the war torn Congo region where it is still used as warfare. (Perhaps the 1 in 4 myth would be true if they changed the definition of rape and sexual assault to include all forms of unwanted advances from socially awkward dudes who can't figure out how to charm a girl the right way). All these lectures need to do is emphasize that no means no, period. But to make things worse they go on to trivialize the definition of rape by exaggerating any unwanted advances from kissing her when she's not ready to be kissed, to catcalling, to touching her leg, to having a sip of alcohol before sex are a form of rape. Of course several years later into my adulthood, I eventually realized that everything the lecture taught me was all bullshit and lies, but as an impressionable young college freshmen attending these lectures when I first started college, it made me overly cautious about how I try to attract, seduce, and interact with girls I like so I could avoid being rapey. As a result, young men take less risks in the dating world to avoid getting expelled or arrested for sexual assault charges. College and high school are places where young people are supposed to learn how to form romantic relationships and experiment with what methods work and what methods don't. These lectures are just as bad for young women as it tells them that every man they date is a potential rapist, and causes them to be more paranoid of their male peers. There are good ways to reduce rape rates, but these consent courses do nothing of the sort. If you wanna reduce sexual assault rates, encourage traveling in numbers, and promote self defense courses.

    As much as I wish they were, these classes and lectures are no joke. California is the first state in the US to make these consent classes mandatory for high schools and colleges.
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  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The up and coming generations have no chance.

    Most of the nasty SJWs helping to push this crap couldn't get a cock within ten feet of them if they wanted.
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  3. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    all men are raping ticking time bombs who can't help themselves if they can't get a release. another great reason why prostitution should be legalized.
  4. Chigurh

    Chigurh Members

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    @op: It may have something to do with rape fantasy in both sexes as to why these disgusting classes are given such a large platform. If these freaks can hide the fantasy well enough behind a 'super important course', who in their right mind would call them out on it? Also, the first 2 paragraphs remind me of those who argue for sensible gun control, yet can't seem to grasp the reality of what they're calling for.
  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the right next question is what makes rape traumatic.
    instead of assuming it just is, or that its unnatural.

    certainly as long as we live in a culture that traumatizes victims it does need to be discouraged.
    or more to the point, that all thoughtlessness does, in any context.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    ..what? Having someone else's will imposed upon you is traumatic in any context.

    But I do agree with the OP giving college lessons on consent is stupid. In an ideal world we could tell men, don't do that, and we wouldn't have to tell women to travel in large groups and avoid alcohol.

    But this isn't an ideal world and likely men who are capable of rape have some sort of chip missing, whether by nature or nurture is debatable and probably a mix of both, , but by the time they get to the
    collegiate level it is a bit too late to teach them the basic principles of right from wrong, I would think

    And this goes against against feminist principles to a certain extent - the feminist thinking these days seems to be to we need to expect men to do the right thing so women don't have to be so cautious, but as a woman i always take precautions to protect myself. The unsavory truth of this world is there are psychopaths in it. The majority of men aren't capable of rape, but women should take caution against the very small minority...and we really shouldn't expect some out of touch college professor to take care of it for us, to bring it back around to the topic of discussion
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    we have a cultural context where people are taught to not look beyond themselves. to see everything in terms of their own self individually.
    again it is never sufficient to refuse to ask the next question.

    in a world that is already overpopulated it is good to not cause more babies to be born, and it is always good to not traumatize anybody.
    i am certainly not saying otherwise then either. every microcosm interacts with its larger surroundings also.

    the mood of the times makes it easy to assume i'm making some statement i am not.
    only that the price of failing to question (anything) is ignorance.

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