I forget where I read this. Might have been "The Onion": Hip manarchists overwhelmingly agreed with one another that it is better America roll the clock back and give business and religious conservatives everything they want, rather than seeing Hillary in the White House. Said Tyler (surname witheld), "What do I care about reproductive freedom? Hillary isn't cool, and reminds me of my grandmother, who wouldn't pay my car insurance when I got fired last month." A trustfunder, Tyler went on to add, "Gun control, big whoop. Abolishing the death penalty? Worker safety? I seldom work! Affirmative action? Environmental protection? Expansion of Amtrak? Who cares about that -expletive-, and who cares if public schools are privatized and turned over to corporations and churches. Those issues aren't cool issues, to me. My psychiatrist told me I'm a narcissist, and therefore would rather lose than compromise. Well, I don't care about compromise and politics. And you know, unless the poor become insanely desperate, they'll never chase Utopian schemes, like I do."