Mama's Mushroom Adventure

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by *MAMA*, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    I arrived at my trip partner's (we'll call her K) house around noon, and we decided to smoke a bowl, then brave the black Friday shoppers to get a dvd player for her new apartment. We get back around 1:30, and decide to hang out for a bit before putting on a movie and dosing our shrooms. We lounge on the couch, and I sent a thank you message and some good vibes to the person who gave the shrooms to me. K convinces me to make mushroom tea, so I go start getting things ready for that. 2pm rolls around, and we drank our tea and put on Alice in Wonderland.

    Around 2:30 the colors in the movie become much more vibrant, and I start to notice how many dotted patterns are in the background designs in the movie. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum kinda give me the creeps, but I don't allow myself to dwell on that, and I soon realize how much I love the smoking caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat. The cat says, "If it doesn't matter where you're going, then it doesn't matter which way you go." And that phrase really sticks with me. K is our photographer for the day, and snaps this photo of me while we're watching the movie. She giggles and notices that I'm now wearing my "drug hat"'as she calls it lol.

    It's about 3:30 now, and we decide to smoke a bowl. The movie progresses, and I start to get distracted by the strange feeling in my arms. Almost like there's a delay between my brain and my arms, and like they could take on a mind of their own at any second. I see K wiggling her arms and ask her if she feels that too. We laugh it off and go back to our movie. It's around 3:30, and nearing the end of the movie. K takes this picture of me and we giggle a little about how enamored I am with the movie, and how trippy the end of the movie is.

    I mention how it bothers me that the cards are painting the flowers red, and how it would kill the flowers. K, nonchalantly says, "It's a cartoon, Roxie..." I get a little perturbed about how the idea of it doesn't bother her and we move on and talk about what we want to do next. We decide to watch Pineapple Express, so K pops in the dvd, and we pull out the bubbler and prep another bowl. She has trouble getting the remote to select the version of the movie we want, and a thought occurs to me....what if remote controls are really just mind control activators that activate our ability to manipulate electronics with our minds. I tell K about my theory, we ponder it for a moment, then giggle about how the conspiracy theorists in me never shuts up. We laugh hysterically and chain smoke bowls while watching the movie, and about halfway through, I tell K I'm seeing the most beautiful closed eye fractals, and ask if she's seeing any. She closes her eyes, and doesn't see anything. I meditate with my eyes closed for a bit, while she goes back to watching the movie.

    I decide I want to draw. K gets out all her art supplies, and teaches me how to use watercolor pencils. I get a glass of water for the pencils, and start to doodle with those.

    I get bored with drawing, and decide to check my phone. I see a text from my friend C. He tells me to text him back when I find my face (lol), because he wants to come over to.give me weed and hugs. I tell him our faces have been found, and to come on over. He gets there around 7, gives me a big bear hug, plops on the couch with me and packs a bowl. K says she's passing on the bowl this round, so C and I snuggle up, smoke, and reminisce about the last time we hung out. I find myself feeling happy about his presence while coming off the peak. I think about all the times we spent sitting like this on the couch with our other friends back in the day when I was going through some tough times in my life. I recall lyrics from a song that say, "Remeber when we'd stay up late and we'd talk all night in a dark room lit by the TV light? Through all the hard times in my lifeThose nights kept me alive." We continue to hang out for a bit, then he says he off to spend time with his brother. After more bear hugs and goodbyes, he heads out, and K and I decide to hang out and listen to music. I put on a soundcloud mix I put together, and we smoked another bowl to finish out the last leg of our trip.

    All in all, a fantastic experience that I'm very grateful for.
  2. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Also, sorry about the gigantic pics. I'm on my phone and can't resize.
  3. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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    nicely done, cheers to you :)
  4. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    if you eat shrooms again, i would recommend that you reverse the order of the movies and the music.

    meaning, i would rather listen to music on the peak and save the movies for the comedown. also, some time spent outdoors while tripping is time well spent.

    glad you had a good time though
  5. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Voyage :).

    Good point, pork. We didn't want anything planned for the evening. We just decided that we would do what felt right at the time. My previous trips have been outside, and I agree, it's wonderful!
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We usually just have music on the whole time, so generally we have a playlist for at least 6 hours :biggrin: Never watched a movie on shrooms myself but we did tried bowling on the Wii once. Except we couldn't get it to work = totally tripping :D Next day it appeared that thing still worked fine :p
  7. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Lol! Maybe the mushrooms you had, affected your mind control abilities to operate the wii. :p
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Most of us really always get clueless with most technological devices. I once was supposed to make a playlist (in winamp) but the trip kicked in much sooner than we expected (about after 10 - 15 minutes already). We listened a 50 minute blues playlist for about 6 hours on repeat :D It didn't bother anyone happily!
  9. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Great account of your experience. I like to hear of other's trips so I can get a feel of what to expect the first time I do it. I'm glad it turned out well for you!
  10. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, and really good pics too. Lol, drug hat:)
  11. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Awesome stuff :p

    Think they're something you'd revisit?
  12. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Haha Asmo, that's awesome :p. I wasn't really in the mood for music at all during come up and peak. I could see blues while tripping being interesting though.

    I'm glad you enjoyed reading it wcw! I'm sure you'll have a great first trip when you decide to take it. And I'm glad you like the pics :).
  13. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Very fun stuff :D. Of course. This was my third mushroom trip. I'm definitely not done with them.
  14. M2D

    M2D Member

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    that's awesome, alice is always a classic, we shroomed one time and listened to a mix with white rabbit on it, of course we thought about alice during the song and then decided to try and sync up what we could of the whole surrealistic pillow album to the alice in wonderland movie... I dont recall if anything came out of that but it was fun anyway lol
  15. M2D

    M2D Member

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    Also im all set for my night of shrooms and horror films, just me and one other person... I might have to live update that shit..
  16. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    "They know, they knowwww, they knowwwww" :toetap05:
  17. Eon

    Eon Member

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    Why would you want to mix mushrooms and horror ?

    MAMA - sounds like a nice mild one.
  18. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

    Likes Received:
    Indeed it was Eon. I haven't shroomed in four years. I feel like it was a good set up for me to get back into exploring psychedelics. My first lsd trip is next in the agenda :).
  19. M2D

    M2D Member

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    lol sorry mama hahahaha but that was awesome

    and because ive tried everything else
  20. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    I'm glad I didn't read that until the last leg of the come down lol. I would expect nothing less out of you :p.

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