Making Alternative Energy A Real Alternative

Discussion in 'Living on the Earth' started by Rutz, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Rutz

    Rutz The Farming Communist

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    The average family spends a great deal of money, and uses a great deal of energy, heating their water. And all of that energy usage -whether in the form of electricity, gas, oil, etc., makes a lot of pollution.

    A lot of people would like to go solar, but are deterred by the complexity, cost, and relative inefficiency of what they find on the market today.

    We want to change that. What we aim to do is change the entire Solar Water Heating market. We want to make Efficient, Easy-To-Install solar water heaters available to people at a price comparable to conventional non-solar units.

    We want to provide America with highly efficient, freeze-proof solar water heaters that provide hot water all year long, are easy for any homeowner to install, and cost no more than any other water heating system would. We want to make Alternative Energy a real alternative!

    Our project will provide units capable of supplying the hot water needs for a couple for only $500, and units capable of providing hot water for an entire family of 5 for only $1000. These units will require no special plumbing, will be able to be mounted anywhere, and will not need to be pointed directly at the sun. They won't need any special parts or know-how to work. They will be simple plug-and-play units, designed to bring solar water heating to the masses!

    Will you join us and help to get this project off the ground?
  2. Rutz

    Rutz The Farming Communist

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    -Pressurized system ensures strong water flow, and refills automatically!
    -Requires no controller, circulation pump, or feeder tank!
    -Cheaper and easier to install than separated collector and tank units!
    -Heat pipes contain a specially designed medium liquid with low boiling point!
    -Heats water in all climates, even in below-freezing ambient temperatures!
    -Even with a tube broken, the system maintains a high level of efficiency!
    -Insulated Tank retains collected heat for up to 72 hours!
    -Plug-and-play design to start producing piping hot water from the sun right away!
    -Add to an existing household water system, or use independently off the grid!
    -Everything you need in one unit, with internal electric backup!
    -Available in various sizes designed for families of up to 7!
    -Easily add to your capacity at any time!
    -Can be mounted either on angled or flat surfaces!
    -Withstands pressures up to 174PSI!
    -CE, ISO9001, CCC, and SRCC Certified Products!

    How It Works

    The evacuated tube directs solar radiation to an internal heat pipe. The heat pipe works as a solar energy absorber inside the evacuated tube, and transfers the absorbed solar energy to a working vaporizable fluid. This heated vapor rapidly rises to the condenser at the top of the heat pipe, transferring its heat to the water in the tank. As the heat is lost, the vapor condenses to form a liquid and returns to the bottom of the heat pipe. Then the evaporating-condensing cycle begins again. There is no water in the tubes, so there is no danger of them freezing. Each evacuated tube is a completely self-contained loop. Even if one or two are broken, the rest of the unit will continue to function normally.

    Qualifying contributions to our project will be treated as pre-orders, and units will be shipped when they become available.
  3. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    as a liveaboard, solar is one of the best ways to get electricity.
  4. Rutz

    Rutz The Farming Communist

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    Yeah, all of our electricity comes from a solar array out front :)
    We have a small wind turbine, though with the rough terrain out here in the Ozarks, it doesn't do much.
    But when we tried to get solar hot water, all the units we found were of outdated designs, inefficient, overly complex, and very expensive. So, we decided to make a mission of fixing that!
  5. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    Sounds like you got plans man, hope you can bring them to fruition.
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Why not adapt this system to use as a hot water radiant heat system with baseboard radiators.
  7. Rutz

    Rutz The Farming Communist

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    That would work well with the larger units.
    We wanted them to be incredibly easy to install - basically plug-and-play,
    so you can really use them for whatever you can think of.
    They've even tested well will jacuzzis and large swimming pools.

    To get off the ground and go full-scale, though, we're going to need some pre-orders placed or some investors.
  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    actually the idea of solar water heating and of home heating with solar heated hot water, has done much to turn people away from the idea of sustainable technologies. most such instalations consume rather then produce energy. they seem at first attractive, because the concepts seem more intuitive than dealing with electricity. reality is that solar electric is far more viable and sensible. AND ultimately, affordable.

    it is of course possible, to design architecture around the idea of efficient solar heating. to do so, however, imposes limits on design possibilities. (and requires even greater understanding and skills)

    also, you know, if you want to be about money, that is the problem with what we have now, and why the incentives of that whole way of thinking, aren't in the direction of real sustainability.

    to each their own i guess, but there are no thermodynamic free lunches.

    the reason i mention all this is because i've seen this before. the whole concept you're talking about, came and went during the 70s. the up and the down of it both. the were companies doing what you're talking about. every detail of it. for all i know, there may even be a very few, still in that business from that era.

    most of them though, turned to more conventional forms of hvac, or got out of it entirely. i'm not a business person, so i can't give you a business model of how and why what happened did.
    i can only tell you, having lived that era, that it did.

    now REAL solar. solar electric, with panels and chargers and storage systems, that IS practical, reliable, sensible, and NOT all THAT complicated.

    i'm sorry, but water heating is simply NOT "REAL ALTERNATIVE ENERGY"
    it was and is, an effing con game. REAL wind, solar, small scale hydro, and so on, ISN'T the kind of con game solar hot water really turned out to be.

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